Masked faces and hidden lies

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I was watching Bridgerton. That is the reason for this monstrosity.

Katherine schooled her features into a tight smile, trying not to let her annoyance show. She set her hands neatly in her nap as her father continued to talk. "But, papa, must we do this?"

"Yes, my daughter, we must." Pulitzer said, sitting down opposite her of the couch.

"Why can't we just do a normal ball? Like everyone else? I don't see why it has to be masked." Katherine implored, biting her tongue to keep her real reason as to why she disliked her fathers idea.

"Because, it will cause more interest." Pulitzer said, standing up and leaving the parlour, signifying the end of the conversation.

Katherine sighed, standing up and leaving for her room. She held a hand out when her maid, Delilah, tried to follow her. "I shall be going out, Delilah. I shan't need accompaniment."


Jack looked up as he sold another paper. The Battle of Lake Erie was doing wonders for the papers circulation. He rubbed a mud stained hand over his face and looked around at the square.

His eyes caught the eyes of a young woman who was walking towards him, her light pink dress swaying as she walked. "Hello there Miss." He said, tilting his hat to her politely.

Katherine smiled, handing him a coin for the paper. "Walk with me." She whispered quietly, starting to walk through the streets.

Jack grinned, walking slightly behind her until they made it to a deserted corner of the park. "Alone for once Kath?" He asked, taking one of the papers and setting it on the bench, letting her sit down.

Katherine laughed, placing her hand over her mouth. "Managed to get away from my family for once." She said as he climbed up the tree above the bench.

"Well, then I'm happy. But what did I do to deserve a visit from the most beautiful Angel?" He asked softly, perching precariously in the tree.

"My father's throwing a masked ball." She said, not looking up at the tree and raising a hand at Davey, who walked over to them.

"Talking to yourself Kathy?" He asked, not noticing the dirty newsboy in the tree.

"No, Jack's up there." She said, pointing a gloved hand at the tree, where Jack sat.

Davey laughed, "Nice to know you're both trying your hardest not to get Katherine dishonoured." He grinned, bumping Katherine's shoulder with his.

Jack stuck his tongue out, "Kath, you were saying?"

"Oh right! My father's throwing a masked ball. Because, seeing as I am the only unmarried woman in the whole of this city, he is finding me a suitor." Katherine said, fiddling with her purse strings.

Jack's heart dropped, that meant no more seeing Katherine. That meant no more stolen kisses and clearing touches. "Oh."

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Katherine whispered, brushing a hand across her face and daring a glance up at Jack. "He says that, when the ball is over, whoever I've danced with the most shall be my suitor."

"I could go." Jack said, immediately hiding closer to the tree as two giggling women walked past.

Davey give them a quick nod before turning back to Katherine.

"Jack." Katherine began, crossing her legs and looking up at her boyfriend. She smiled warmly at him, the smile she gave him when she was deeply sorry about something.

"No, I'm serious! Dave, you could give me one of your suits and I could join you. We'd be wearing masks. And all you'd have to do is dance with me the most." Jack said, grinning at his genius.

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