Baby Newsies

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I have this headcanon that Jack and the boys just adopt random orphans off the streets and let them live at the Lodging House. And Katherine works from home so she can look after all the kids till they're old enough to start selling. I kept having to rewrite this one cause I couldn't get it perfect.

Katherine rolled over, flinging an arm over her eyes. "Jack, they're at it again." She mumbled, burying her head in the pillow.

"I got them last time." Jack said turning her over and pulling her against his chest.

"Urgh fine." Katherine mumbled, sitting up and looking around the Lodging House bedroom. She got out of the bed, grabbing a rolled up newspaper and walking towards Race's bed.

"Ok, ok. Try again." Race said from under the covers.

"Pulitzer is a big asshole." A small voice squeaked out, making Katherine glare at the tent in the covers.

She located where Race's head was and smacking him with the newspaper. "Racetrack Higgins, Freckles, get out here." She said sternly.

Race emerged from under the covers, a young girl following him. "Aye, Kathy that hurt." He complained, rubbing his head.

Freckles giggled but stopped when she saw the murder in Katherine's eyes. She got off the bed and scuttled into the corner of the room, climbing into her own bed next to Sniper's.

"You know not to keep them up past their bedtime." She said, "And you know not to teach them words like that." She said, punctuating every few words with a smack from the paper.

Race tried and failed to dodge most of the blows. "Ok, ok, ok I'm sorry." He said, finally catching the paper and whacking Katherine's hip with it.

Katherine glared down at him, "Now go back to sleep or you'll be too tired to sell." She said, snatching the paper back from him.

"You ain't my mother." Race grumbled but laid down on the bed.

"Yeah cos ya traded her for a box of cigars!" Buttons piped up from his bed.

"Hey they was-"

"Stop it." Katherine said, whacking Race with the paper before walking over to Buttons' bed and smacking him with it. "Go to sleep both of you." She hissed before walking back over to Jack's bed.

"That was entertaining." Jack said, lifting the covers up so she could slip in next to him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her hair.


"Buckles, give Sniper her cap back." Katherine said when Sniper ran up to her, her eyes full of tears.

"But it's fun." Buckles said, hanging off the edge of Elmer's top bunk and waving Sniper's hat above her head.

Dot climbed up on the bed next to Buckles and grabbed Sniper's hat, throwing it to Katherine.

"Thank you Dot." She said, walking over and giving the five year old boy a small kiss on the cheek, laughing when he blushed. She handed Sniper her hat back.

"Thanks Kath." Sniper said, fixing the hat on her blonde curls. She ran over to Freckles' bed and shook the young girl awake.

"Come on. I promised the boys we'd stop by Jacobi's for lunch." Katherine said, helping Buckles and Dot off Elmer's bed.

"Why can't wes sell with them?" Buckles asked.

"Because, you can't read. And you'd get hurt." Katherine said, picking a sleepy Freckles of her bed. "Sweetie, we're going to lunch with the boys." She said, tickling the three year old's stomach.

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