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Modern Day AU- Katherine's 18th Birthday

Katherine rolled over lazily and stretched her hand out to the other side of the bed, where Jack was meant to be. She cracked one eye open and looked over at the space he was meant to be. "Jack?" She mumbled, waving her arm around pathetically.

She sat up and looked around the room, frowning when she noticed Jack wasn't there. "Jack? Darling?" She called, pulling her blanket around her shoulders and getting out of bed.

"Baby?" She grabbed her phone from the bedside table as she walked around the house, looking for Jack. She dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

"Heya Ace."

"Where are you?"

"I had ta leave early, for work."

Katherine frowned, she'd been hoping he'd wake her up before leaving. Or at least say happy birthday to her. "Oh ok."

"Youse feeling ok?"

She nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Yeah." She said as her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't believe she was crying over the fact her boyfriend hadn't said happy birthday. "When are you coming home?"

"I'm not sure. But wes can meet up from lunch at Jacobi's."

"Yeah, ok. What time?"

"One. But I gotta go now. I'll see ya later sweetheart."

"Ok, bye baby." She said and hung up. She threw her phone onto the couch and dropped down next to it.


Jack set the phone down and turned to face the boys. "Did she sound weird to youse?"

"Sorta." Race said from where he stood on one of the tables, a party horn hanging limply from his mouth.

"Maybe she's disappointed ya didn't say happy birthday." Crutchie said, still trying in vain to wrap the birthday present he got her.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise." He said, motioning to the party they were trying to set up.

"You know nothing about women." Davey said as he walked into the bar, holding the birthday cake he helped his mother make. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement.


"Even if you want this party to be a surprise, at least wish her a happy birthday. Now she'll spend the rest of the day thinking you've forgotten about it. The only person that hasn't texted or said happy birthday to her is her boyfriend." Davey explained, setting the cake down on one of the tables, before helping Les bring in the rest of the food.

"Oh." Jack said, his face dropping. "So Ise should text it ta her?" He asked, pulling his phone out.

"NO!" The boys shouted in unison.

"That's the last thing ya wanna do." Romeo said, swinging his legs around as he sat on one of the tables.

"Why?" Jack asked defeatedly, jumping off the table and walking over to sit next to Romeo.

"Because then she'll think she's an after thought."

Jack groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. "I don't understand women."

"We know!"


Katherine pulled her jacket around her as she walked into the family mansion. She hated the cold. "Hey dad." She said, taking a seat opposite him.

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