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Jack twisted his newsboy cap in his hands as he waited outside of Pulitzers office. He ignored the look Hannah sent him as he continued to pace, nerves racking his body.

"Mr Kelly, just sit down." Hannah said from her desk, finding it impossible to concentrate as the boy paced up and down in front of her.

"I can't. I'm nervous." Jack said, stilling his movements for half a second before continuing to pace. He placed his cap back in his head before looking up as the doors opened.

"Kelly." Pulitzer said, his eyebrows knitting together in a frown.

"J- Pulitzer." Jack said, deciding he should probably be polite to Pulitzer today. He followed Pulitzer into the office.

"Sit." He said and motioned to the charge in front of his desk. "What do you want Kelly?"

"I wanted to talk bout Katherine." Jack said and his leg began to bounce up and down in nervousness.

"Why would you want to talk about my daughter?" Pulitzer said and leant forward, lacing his fingers together menacingly.

"I wanted to ask for your permission to marry her." Jack said slowed, feeling his heart beat in his throat. He swallowed dryly and waited for Pulitzer to answer.

"You, want to marry my daughter?" Pulitzer asked slowly, trying to stop a laugh bubbling up his throat.

"Yes, sir."

"And, do you love her? Do you have a ring? Do you have enough money to support her? How do you expect to support your family when she's pregnant?"

Jack's eyes widened as Pulitzer shot question after question at him. He loved her and he had a ring, nothing big or fancy. But he didn't have a stable job and he was still staying at the Lodging House. "I do love her. I love her more than anything in the woild."

"And your income?"

"I sell papes but I can promise youse I can support her." Jack vowed.

"I don't like you Kelly." Pulitzer said.

"I know."

"But you make my daughter happy, and I love my daughter. So you have my permission to marry her. But if you ever hurt her, Kelly I promise you, I will send the Delancey brothers after you quicker than you can sell papes."

Jack grinned and let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in. He stood up and laughed. "Thank you sir." He thanked, bowing before scurrying out of the room.

Why did he bow? Pulitzer would never let him hear the end of it.


Jack couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he walked back to the Lodging House. All he had to do was grab the small ring and go to her apartment and then ask her.

No big deal right? He pushed open the door to the Lodging House and was surprised to find it abuzz with noise. The boys shouldn't be here, they should be out selling papes.

"Boys?" He shouted and was surprised to hear Katherine's voice among theirs. That was going to make his plan much harder.

"Why ain't youse selling papes?" He asked sternly, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Kathy was just telling us a story!" Crutchie exclaimed from the old armchair. Despite being eighteen, he was still a five year old at heart.

"Really? What was the story?" Jack asked and came to sit next to Katherine, who lent into his side. "Hi." He whispered and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

Jackine one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now