Slow dancing

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Modern Day AU- slow dancing in the kitchen at night with no music the day after they got married before their honeymoon

Jack looked down at the hand that had gripped his tightly during the ride to their new house. He stared at the small gold band that rested on her left hand and smiled. He still couldn't believe they were married.

He looked up at Katherine and saw her eyes were shut and he couldn't help but take a photo, she looked so adorable. "Ace, sweetheart, wake up." He whispered and shook her awake.

"I'm awake." She mumbled, her eyes fluttering open. She smiled up at him.

"Wait there." Jack said, getting out of the car and opening the car door for her. He marvelled at her as she stepped out the car, despite only wearing an overside shirt and a pair of sweatpants she looked so beautiful. "You look so beautiful."

"Awww, thank you sweetheart." Katherine said and let out a squeal of surprise as Jack swooped her into his arms. "Are you going to carry me inside?"

"Of course I am Mrs Kelly." Jack said and had to hide his face in her hair to stop the blush that spread across his face. He would never tire of calling her that. Mrs Kelly, Katherine Kelly. It sounded amazing.

He held her close to him and began to walk them into the white picket house they'd bought a few weeks prior to their wedding. He set her down and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Come on, let's get something to eat." Katherine said into the quiet of their house, pulling him into the kitchen, which was still littered with unpacked boxes.

"What do we have?" He asked and laughed as she leant into his side, her eyes drooping with tiredness. He moved his arm from her waist to her shoulder and opened the cupboard doors.

"Pot Noodle." She groaned and rested her head against his bicep. "Can we order take-out? I don't want to prepare anything, not even Pot Noodle." She pleaded, her brown eyes going wide.

Jack sighed, he would never be able to resist her. "Yeah, go and get changed, we'll eat in our pyjamas." He said and began to lead her up the stairs.

Katherine turned and kissed him before taking one of his shirts from the wardrobe. "Can we get Chinese?" She asked as she began to undress.

Jack licked his lips and stared at her figure. "Mmhm, sure. What ever you want." He said.

Katherine pulled his shirt over her head and laughed at his face. She grinned and threw the pyjama pants that matched the shirt at him.

Jack caught the pants and changed into them before going to order them a Chinese. He put the phone down after order and saw Katherine sitting on the counter fiddling with her wedding ring.

"I'm hungry." She whispered and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed kisses along his neck and grinned as he shivered.

"Kath." He said and pulled her away from him. "Not now."

"Why?" She groaned and swayed on her feet, her eyes shutting momentarily.

"Because, you're literally asleep on your feet." He said, picking her up as she leant into his side. "Once we've eaten you can go to sleep." He whispered and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

"Ok." She mumbled, resting her head in the crook of his neck. She played with his hair before sighing when the doorbell rang.

"Chinese." He said and set her down on the couch before answering the door. He paid the deliverer and took the food, turning to find Katherine dozing on the sofa.

"God, Ace. Remind me to not let you go work tomorrow so you can sleep." He whispered and put the Chinese on plates before walking out and sitting next to his wife.

"Oh! Yay!" Katherine exclaimed as he shook her awake. She leant into his side and took the plate he offered her, smiling at the cold metal she felt on his finger.

Jack laughed at her and put on some Netflix they began to eat in silence until he heard a clattering. He looked to his left and saw Katherine's plate on the floor and her head resting against the pillows.

"Katherine, my God." He whispered, placing his plate on the table and picking up hers. He put the plates in their dish washer before walking back into the living room and picking her up.

He walked her up to their room and placed her down on the bed. He climbed in next to her and pulled her against his chest. "Goodnight Ace. I love you so much." He got a half-hearted mumble as a reply.


Jack blinked his eyes open to be greater with Katherine climbing out of the bed. "Where you goin'?" He asked sleepily.

Katherine turned to face him and studied his face in the pitch black. "I'm not sleepy." She said, flicking on the table side lamp.

Jack groaned and sat up, grabbing her waist and pulling her against his chest. "It's probably because you slept most of yesterday."

"True. Come watch tv with me." She pleaded, dragging him down the stairs and pulling him into the sofa.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked sleepily. Just because she wasn't tired didn't mean he wasn't.

"Singing in the rain." She said and pressed play.

Jack groaned slightly, he wasn't opposed to watching the musical, it was just that it was so up-beat and fun and all he wanted to do was sleep.

Katherine shook him awake when the movie had finished. "Dance with me." She mumbled and pulled him into a standing position.

Jack smiled down at her before wrapping his arms around her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. She began to a hum and song and they began to sway to an imaginary tune.

They slow-danced for hours, and eventually Katherine fell asleep against his chest. "I thought you said you weren't tired." Jack said with a laugh.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and continued to sway. He wouldn't mind waking up in the middle of the night everyday if it meant he could have moments like this.

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