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So this is what I think would've happened if Katherine was part of the fight after Seize the Day.

Katherine stared up at the railings where the Delancey's, Wiesel and other workers stood. Her breath stopped and her heart quickened as they jumped down and began attacking the Newsies.

She saw Oscar take Crutchie's crutch and began attacking Les with it. His screams of pain rang throughout the square and she rushed forward and pushed Oscar out of the way.

"Les?" She whispered, stroking his hair out of his face.

"I'm ok." He said, trying to stand. He wobbled and Katherine caught him.

"Stay out of harms way." She said before running through the thrum of people. She ducked under stacks of newspaper that were being thrown and managed to get to Jack. "You have to get these boys outta here."

Jack turned to her, his face bloodied. "I can't." He said before ducking the punch that was thrown at him, making it hit Katherine in the cheek.

She let out a sound of surprise and pain before grabbing Jack's collar and forcing him to look at her. "Get the boys to the gate and I can help them out, ok?" She said, her eyes watering at the pain in her cheek.

Jack nodded, gently touching her red cheek before running back into the fray of people.

Katherine turned to face Romeo at his shout, his nose was bloodied and disfigured and he had a swollen eye.

"Bout time you showed up! They're slaughtering us!" Romeo shouted to the police man that stood at the edge of Newsies square. He ran up to him, only to get slapped round the face.

Katherine let out a scream, holding her skirts up and running to the boy. She grabbed his shoulder and dragged him out of the way of the police men. "Romeo? Hey, look at me!" She exclaimed, patting the side of his cheek gently.

She sighed in relief when his eyes fluttered open. "Get out of here." She hissed, shoving him to his feet and pushing him out of the gate. She nodded when he turned to her, his eyes wide. "Go."

Katherine turned as she felt something collide with the back of her knee and she stumbled, turning to see one of the police men holding Crutchie's crutch. She groaned and tried to stand.

Most of the Newsies had made their way out of the gate. Only Crutchie, Jack, Davey and Race remained in the square.

She watched as Snyder walked into the square, his eyes full of venom. She let out a shout, trying to warn Jack that he was here but it came out as a strangled gasp as Oscar's brass knuckles connected with her stomach.

"Not so strong are you? Huh Princess?" Oscar said, hoovering over her.

Katherine looked up at him before kicking him away. She turned and tried to get to Jack and Davey, who were both fighting policemen.

Morris grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him, his fist connecting with her nose. She heard a sickening crunch and her eyes stung with tears. She felt blood drip from her nose before she kicked his knees.

"Davey!" She shouted, spitting out the blood that dropped into her mouth. "Snyder!" She screamed, her stomach and nose throbbing in pain.

Davey looked over at her and grabbed Race, muttering something about having to leave. He limped out of Newsies square, reaching a hand out to try and grab her but she shook her head.

She had to get Jack and Crutchie out of here. She limped forward, the pain in her knee beginning to surface. She grabbed his arm and made him turn to face her. "We have to leave." She whispered into his ear as Snyder ran towards them. They ran towards the gate and turned when they heard a shout.

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