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Katherine clutched the bag full of clothes to her chest as she trudged through the snowy streets of New York. She squeezed her eyes shut as the window blew tiny icicles into her eyes.

"Ace?" Jack shouted from the window of the Lodging House as he saw his girlfriend walking through the streets.

He frowned, his girl was definitely crazy to be walking through the stinking streets of New York. He pulled the window shut so he could keep the warmth in and ran downstairs to let his girlfriend in.

"Hi." She whispered as he pulled her into the House, her teeth chattering and her lips turning a light blue.

"What the hells is you doin?" Jack exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her body, ignoring the bag at her chest.

"It's cold."

"Yeah. No shit." He mumbled, earning a slap on the shoulder from Katherine.

"And I know you boys don't always bother to make a fire." She nodded towards the empty fire place. "So I thought I could bring you some blankets and warmer clothes."

Jack's mouth hung open. "You did that? Fo us?" He marvelled at the way she was willing to walk through the freezing cold just to ensure him and the boy's were safe.

Katherine blushed, "Well, yeah. You guys do a lot for me. It's the least I could do for you." She said, resting her head against his chest.

"Oi Jack! Who's at the door?" Romeo shouted from the other room.

Katherine laughed and walked out of his embrace and into the other room. She set down the bag on the table next to the boys, who were all huddled together to try and keep warm.

She was almost knocked over as something barrelled into her legs. She looked down and saw Les hugging her tightly. "Hello." She laughed as the rest of the boys turned to face her.

"Katherine? What's you doin here?" Race asked, chewing on the end of cigar. He crawled over to her, too lazy to stand up and walk.

"I bought you guys some clothes and blankets." She said and smiled as Jack hugged her from behind. She gestured to the bag of clothes and laughed as the boys all but jumped on it.


An hour later and Katherine looked up from the book she was reading to the boys to find they'd all fallen asleep on the floor. Carefully, she stood up and made her way out of the circle of boys.

She grabbed the only blanket that the boys weren't using and draped it over Jack, who was snoring lightly. She pressed a kiss to his cheek before grabbing a pen and paper and scribbling a note.

Had to get back home, ever since father caught us he's been doing hourly check-ups on me to ensure I'm alone.
Katherine xx

She placed the note of the table next to her bag before making her way out of the Lodging House. She wrapped her thin jacket around her body before breaking out into a run as the wind and snow picked up.

She was full on sprinting as she got to the outside of the Pulitzer house. Despite being eighteen, her father still insisted she live in the family mansion. She grabbed onto the railing of the fire escape, hissing as the icy coldness hit her fingers.

She didn't want to have to go up the fire escape, but it was either that or get caught with by her father. She cursed as her foot slipped and it got caught between the icy metal bars. That was going to hurt like hell tomorrow. She yanked it out and tears welled in her eyes.

She made it to the window outside her room, pulling it open and slipping inside. She made sure not to put too much weight on her injured ankle as she got ready for bed, not bothering to shut the window.


Jack blinked his eyes open the next morning as he felt a weight on his legs and chest. He looked down, expecting to find Katherine's beautiful brown hair but was met with Race's hair.

"Race. What the hell youse doin?" He grumbled, pushing the boy of his chest. The weight on his legs didn't budge and he sat up to find Crutchie's head resting on his shins.

God he felt like a mother duck. He looked at the boys, all of whom were still asleep around him and couldn't find Katherine.

Carefully, unwrapping the blanket from his shoulders and placed it over Les who had begun to shiver. He made sure that the boys were asleep and weren't going to get cold before looking around for his Ace.

"Ace?" He called softly, not wanting to wake the boys. "Katherine?" His eyes landed on the note and the table and he grinned.

He grabbed one of the jackets she'd left for him before walking out of the Lodging House and towards the Pulitzer Mansion.


Katherine shivered and pulled her covers tighter around her. Why was it so cold? She looked up and saw the curtains covering her windows were flapping in the breeze.

She sat up, keeping the blankets tight around her shoulders and tried to walk to her window. As soon as she put pressure on her ankle her legs buckled and she fell to the floor.

Tears dropped from her eyes as pain welled up in her leg. She groaned as she pulled herself back into her bed, curling herself up and trying not to move her injured ankle too much.


Jack frowned as he neared the Pulitzer Mansion and saw Katherine's window was still wide open. He quickened his pace, the snow seeping through his boots and he began to climb up the fire escape.

"Ace?" He called, sticking his head through the windows. He climbed through the window, taking off his soaking boots and jacket and putting them in front of the fireplace before shutting the window.

He lit a fire in the fireplace and walked over to Katherine, who was asleep and shivering in under the blankets. "Heya Ace?" He tried to shake her awake.

Katherine's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. "Jack?" She mumbled. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Ise was goin to come here anyways and thank you properly for the clothes. But then Ise saw your window open and thought somethin was wrong." Jack explained, sitting on the bed next to her and hugging her tightly.

"I forgot to shut it last night because I hurt my ankle and then I just fell asleep in the cold." She said through chattering teeth.

Jack just shook his head fondly. "What am I meant to do with ya, Ace?" He kissed the top of her head and carried her shivering form towards the fireplace. He set her down in front of it before moving round to check her ankle.

He gently pulled her leg out from under the blanket and inspected the swollen ankle. "I think youse needs ta go the hospital." He said.

Katherine groaned in both pain and frustration. "Well I can't exactly walk there can I?"

"Ise could carry youse." Jack said, leaning back and scratching the back of his head.

"Ahh yes, you carrying me out of my room. That'll definitely make my father happy." She joked and pulled him towards her. "I'll go later. Just give me a hug for now." She pleaded, leaning forward and kissing him lightly.

"I love ya Ace." Jack said and hugged her tightly, keeping her warm.

"I love you too Jack."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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