Empty promises

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Katherine stared at her father. "You can't." She said, placing her hand on the chair behind her and slowly sitting down.

"I can and I have." Pulitzer said, not bothering to turn and face his daughter. "He's not fit to take care of you. He doesn't have a stable income."

"He would have one if you didn't fire him!" Katherine shouted, her heart beating fast in her chest. "Look, father I love him and he loves me."

"I don't care. He's getting on that train to Santa Fe. And you are to stay away from him. That is final." Her father snapped and got ready to leave the room.

"You can't send him away!" She shouted and took a deep breath as he turned to face her. "You can't send him away, I can't raise my baby without it's father!"

Pulitzer's eyes began to glow with rage. "He got you pregnant?!" He shouted and glared at her. "Before you're even married?! Katherine Ethel Pulitzer!"

"Father! Just stop." She screamed before lowering her voice as tears dropped from her eyes. "If you send him away I will never forgive you. You will never meet your grandchild." She threatened before standing up and walking out of the room.

If she could just make it to the Lodging House before Jack left. She could tell him about the baby. She could come with him. She didn't care what her father threatened Jack with. She knew he wouldn't leave her, no matter what.

She picked up her pace and soon she was sprinting towards the Lodging House. She pushed the door open, shouting Jack's name.

"Katherine? Whatcha doin' here?" Crutchie asked as he limped into the room. He took note of the tears stains on her cheeks and pulled her into a short hug.

"Where's Jack?" She panted, her voice still shaky. She walked farther into the room and saw the boys staring at her. "Where's Jack?" She repeated.

"He never came home." Davey said and helped Katherine sit down. He noticed the way she kept a hand on her stomach.

"Oh God, he's already gone." She whispered, burying her head in her hands.

"Katherine. What happened?" Les asked as he sat next to her on their ragtag couch.

"My father, he's sending him away. He's sending him to Santa Fe." She whispered and the room fell silent. She felt Les' arms wrap around her waist and soon the rest of the Newsies were hugging her as well.

"Why?" Race asked and was giving a slap on the back of the head from Finch.

"Because my father never liked him. And then I had to tell him I was pregnant and now my baby's not going to have a father." She sobbed into Crutchie's shoulder.

"You're pregnant?" Davey asked and pushed the Newsies away so she could have space to breath. He smiled as she nodded, there was going to be a new baby Newsie.

"Well, wes gotta find him!" Race exclaimed and the rest of the Newsies nodded.

"Crutchie stay here just in case he comes back, Les stay here as well." Davey said, "The rest of you just get into groups and look."

"How far away is the train station?" Katherine asked, wiping her tears away as she stood.

"Twenty minutes if we're quick." Davey said, "Me and Kath'll go to the train station."

"Ok, let's go find Jack!" Elmer exclaimed as the rest of the Newsies tumbled out of the Lodging House and into the streets of New York.


Katherine groaned and dropped down on the bench next to Davey. "What if he's already left?" She whispered.

Davey took her hands and forced her too look at him. "He won't. Katherine, he loves you and nothing will keep him away from you." He said reassuringly. He knew Jack wouldn't leave Katherine, especially now that she was pregnant.

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