The Delancey's

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Jack looked up when he heard a thud outside Katherine's apartment door. He set down his sketch pad and walked over to the door when he heard muffled sobs coming from outside.

He opened the door and his heart shattered when he saw who was outside.

Katherine, her hair messed and her lips bleeding. Her beautiful baby blue skirt that's she'd bought yesterday was ripped and stained with mud and blood and her shirt was hanging off her shoulders.

He dropped down next to her and cupped her cheek. "Ace? Hey?" He whispered.

"The Delancey's." She gasped out, her chest rising and falling in rapid motions.

Jack nodded and scooped her into his arms, picking her up and slamming the front door when he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He set her down on the sofa before kneeling in front of her, taking her hands.

"Stay there." He said, kissing the top of her head before walking into the small kitchen and filling a bowl with warm water. He grabbed some cloth and towels before walking back out to her.

"Youse needs ta take this off. So I can check youse got no breaks or bruises." He said gently, tugging at her shirt.

Katherine nodded, staring blankly at him before taking her shirt off, sitting in her bra in front of him.

"What happened?" Jack asked as he began to dab at the blood and mud that was dotted across her stomach and shoulders.

"I was walking home." She said shakily, flinching slightly when he pressed a bit too hard on a bruise forming on her shoulder. "And the Delancey's were there."

Jack sighed and leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Did theys touch youse?" He asked, his eyes darkening.

"No. They tried." She said, slowly moving her hand and running it through his hair.

Jack frowned before nodding, "I don't think any of ya ribs are broken." He said as he gentle pressed a finger against her ribs, letting out a small breath of relief when she didn't flinch in pain.

"Can I put my shirt back on?" She asked quietly, suddenly realising she was half naked in front of Jack.

Jack smiled, "I don't think youse is gonna wanna wear this." He said as he held up her shirt, which was in taters and stained with mud and blood.

Katherine smiled softly, "Oh." She raised a hand and wiped her eyes.

"Have mine." Jack said as he took his shirt off and slipped it over her head. "What about ya legs?" He asked, pushing her skirt up to just below her knees, wincing at cuts and scraps on them.

"I fell into a bramble bush." She said with a small blush when he started to laugh softly. She pulled her skirt up to mid-thigh, exposing her bloodied legs.

"Oh God Ace." He said, pressing a quick kiss to her unbloodied knee before beginning to clean off her legs. He finished cleaning her legs and rose up on his knees to kiss her lips. "Wait there and I'll get youse another skirt."

Katherine nodded and smiled at him softly, watching him go before beginning to cry. She sniffed and wiped her nose.

"Ace?" Jack said as he walked back into the room, kneeling in front of her again. He took her hands and ran his thumbs over the back of them in circular motions.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she all but collapsed into his arms. She dug her head in his neck as he sat down on the floor, pulling her into his lap.

"It's ok. It's ok. Youse is ok, theys ain't gonna hurt ya." He whispered reassuringly, kissing her hair softly.

"They came out of nowhere." She cried into his neck as he began to sway gently from side to side.

Jack sighed and picked her up, walking with her to the bedroom. He set her down on the bed, "Take that skirt off, or the bed'll get dirty." He said, handing her a light pink one instead- the one she wore the day they got together. He turned his back and waited for her to change.

"I'm changed." She said with a shaky voice. She looked quite a picture; her hair was messy and she was wearing an over sized blue shirt and fitted purple skirt.

Jack smiled at her, despite being scrapped and bruised she still looked beautiful. He climbed onto the bed next to her and laid down next to her. "What did happened?"

Katherine sighed and laid down on her side next to him, running a finger lightly up and down his bare chest. "The Delancey's were there." She said shakily, sighing softly as he ran a hand up and down her arms. "They kept shouting about how they were going to hurt me."

Jack frowned and shuffled closer to her, burying his head in her chest as she continued to talk.

"Then they started trying to grab me, and hurt me. I fell into a bramble bush trying to get away from them." Katherine said with a soft chuckle. She threaded her hand through his hair and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"God Ace."

"I know. But they didn't touch me- that way. I mean they hit me." She said shakily, frowning when he pulled his head away from her chest.

"Next time, I ain't lettin youse walk home on ya own." Jack said, running a hand gently through her hair, trying to comb out the tangles.

"Oh so you'll wait outside the Sun until I leave?" Katherine asked with a gentle smirk, rolling away from him and looking up at the ceiling.

"Course." He said, kissing her chin gently. "I'll wait outside all night if it means youse ain't gonna get hurt." He said with a small blush, kissing her lips softly.

"Really?" Katherine asked, blushing softly. They'd been together for eight months and she was still surprised at how selfless he was.

"Well I mean yeah. Youse my Ace, and Ise always gonna look after youse. Not matter what." Jack said, kissing her forehead. He chuckled when he saw tears welling in her eyes again. "Youse ok?" He asked, running a hand gently through her matted hair.

"Yeah, I'm just. I love you." Katherine said with a wide smile, leaning forward and kissing him as he pulled her on top of him.

"I love you too Ace." He whispered against her lips, running his fingers up and down her arms. He kissed her deeply and wrapped one arm around her waist, being careful of her cuts and scrapes.

Katherine smiled against his lips before pulling away. "Thank you." She said, rolling off him and laying on her side next to him.

"Youse don't need ta thank me, Ace." Jack said, kissing her nose. "I'm always gonna look out for youse."

Katherine blushed and shuffled closer to him before hugging him tightly. "I love you. So much."

Jack chuckled, "I love you too Ace."

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