Hide and seek

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Katherine unlocked the door to her apartment and slipped inside, calling Jack's name. She walked further into the apartment and hung her bag and coat up over the side of the couch.

She ran into her bedroom and grabbed the two nerf guns she kept stuffed in the back of her wardrobe. She took a pen and paper from her desk and scribbled a note.

Here's your nerf gun. I have one too, we each have six bullets. First one to hit the other gets it pick movie and snacks, loser has to make dinner and buy said snacks.

She placed the note next to the gun and changed out of her work clothes and into one of Jack's shirts and a pair of sweatpants. She grabbed the nerf guns and note and walked back into the hallway, placing the gun by the coatrack, where she knew Jack'd see it.

Then she grabbed her own nerf gun and found a suitable hiding spot, behind the island with a sauce pan lid to deflect the small foam bullets.


Jack smiled to himself as he unlocked the door to the apartment he shared with Katherine. "Ace?" He called, seeing her bag and coat on the couch. He walked into the apartment, his eyes landing on the nerf gun and note just as a pink foam bullet whizzed past his ear.

"Damn it." Katherine whispered from behind the island, moving slightly closer to their oven. She peered over the top of the island, watching Jack shrug off his coat and get out of his shoes before grabbing the gun.

"Oh it's on." Jack said, loading a blue foam bullet into the gun and walked towards the kitchen. He fired when he saw a movement, groaning when the bullet bounced off the island.

Katherine laughed, moving out from behind the island and running towards the sofa, dodging the other bullet he shot at her. "You have sucky aim." She said with a laughed, raising her arm and shooting him, barely missing him.

"So do youse Kath, so do youse." Jack said with a laughed, running away from the sofa and towards their bedroom. He grabbed one of the magazines and rolled it up, hoping to use it as some sort of bat.

Katherine made her way into their bathroom as he was in their bedroom. She grinned to herself as she stepped into the shower cubicle.

She waited for him to walk out of the bedroom before slipping out and standing behind him. She raised her gun and pointed it at his back before firing the bullet. She let out a gleeful laugh as the foam bullet hit him in the back.

Jack turned when he felt the bullet collide with his back and he glared at her.

"I win." She said with a smirk, dropping her nerf gun and screaming when Jack picked her up, running with her to the bedroom and dropping her on the bed.

"You know I can't cook!" He exclaimed, as he dropped down on the bed next to her.

"Then you should've been better at aiming." She said, rolling onto her side and looking at him.

"It's still mean." He said, propping his head up on his hand and looking at her.

Katherine smiled and shuffled closer to him. "But it was fun, wasn't it?" She said, resting her head against his chest.

"Very fun. Until youse shot me." Jack said with a frown, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her hair.

"All fun and games," She smiled, "Now go make dinner." She said, giving him a small shove off the bed.

Jack laughed as she shoved him, rolling over till he fell off the bed with a thud. "Oww." He groaned, in an attempt to get out of dinner.

"Still making dinner." Katherine said, leaning over the bed and looking at him. She laughed as he pulled a face at her before getting off the floor and going into the kitchen. "I was thinking we could have pasta!"

"Yeah, yeah." Jack said, turning around and sticking his tongue out at her before walking into the kitchen.


"So, what movies have you chosen?" Jack asked as he walked into the apartment, two bags of snacks hanging from his arms.

"The Conjurings." Katherine said from her blanket burrito.

"No, come on Ace. You know I hate horror films." Jack groaned, setting the food down and putting the ice cream in the freezer.

"I know, but I won so." She laughed, wrapping the blankets tighter around her shoulders. "Now go change into some pyjamas and join me in the burrito." She said, removing one arm from the blanket and throwing a pillow at him.

Jack laughed and caught the pillow before walking into the bedroom and getting changed. He walked back out and stared at Katherine, who had loaded the first Conjuring film and was resting her head against the arm of the chair.

"Budge over then." He said, coming over and placing the bowls of sweets, popcorn and crisps on the coffee table.

Katherine smiled, shuffling over to the other side fo the sofa and opening the blanket burrito so he could slip in next to her. She rested her head against his shoulder before pressing play on the movie.

"I hate you." He whispered in her ear after the first jump scare.

"I love you too." Katherine said, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before turning back to the tv screen.

Jack frowned and buried his head in her hair, not wanting to watch the rest of this movie. He wanted to sleep tonight thank you very much.

Katherine moved her head after the first movie finished and smiled softly when she saw Jack and fallen asleep. "Honestly Jack." She whispered, running her hands gently through his hair.

He mumbled in his sleep, flipping himself over so his back was to her.

She laughed again before shuffling down the sofa and resting her head against his chest. "I love you Jack." She whispered, running her hand up and down his chest.

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