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Author POV:

They were driving through the city with a little funk and soul. (Stream dynamite)

They were reaching at their destination where the murder had happened. Namjoon had gotten a case about a family murdered 2 weeks ago. The house in which the family used to live was the place where they were murdered. Their bodies were found tied and hung up on a tree. The evidences of the murder included a tree cutting saw, a long rope which tied up in 4 nooses and the huge tree in the backyard. The most shocking thing was that their youngest child as in their daughter went missing after the murder. They found no traces of the girl but the police still continued their search.

The car however wasnt a silent ride instead it was chaotic. Namjoon was sitting in the passenger seat while reading the case file and Jin was sitting in the driver's seat. And the rest in the back.

Raven POV:

Taehyung: Here peachie this is for you.

Taehyung said excitedly as he handed me what looks like to be a red rose.

Me: Can I sell this for money?

Taehyung: Wah peachie why are you so cold hearted?

Me: What you need is a doctor like right now. And by the way I have a name!!!

Taehyung: But I like calling you peachie.

Yes fellas Taehyung calls me peachie because the way my cheeks turn peach pink whenever i blush. He thinks it's cute. I swear this guy always annoys me.

Me: Please stop calling me peachie or else I will tie you upside down and beat you up like a pinata until all of the candy comes out of your mouth!

Taemin: Did someone say candy? Please do it noona I really want some delicious candy.

Taejin: Yes please do it.

Taehyung: Hey what am I a candy machine or something?

Yoongi: Can you guys like shut up and let me sleep? Thankyou.

Hoseok: You always sleep hyung. There was never once in my life time that I have never see you sleep you lil meow meow.

Yoongi: Yeah yeah whatever. And stop calling me lil meow meow unless you want to die.

Then he instantly fell asleep. Wow I am amazed by how oppa sleeps all the time.

Hoseok: Geez what a mood.

Taemin: Does that mean I'm not getting candy?

Taehyung: No! Absolutely not.

Taemin: 😞

Taehyung then rested his on my shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist. His face was in the crook of my neck, hot breath fanning on my skin. I tried really hard to stop the blush from coming on my face but guess what- I failed.

Me: Yah! Can you not sleep on me!!

My heart was literally beating faster than a cheetah. Seconds later I started hearing snoring sounds.

Me: Guess I will be suffering in this whole goddamn ride.

My hands then reached out on his perm hair. Gosh it's so soft and fluffy. Stop it Raven stop! I quickly retreated my hand away from his hair.

Jimin: Oooooooooo what do we have here huh? 😏

Me: Shut up Jimin! 🙄

The members started laughing except for Yoongi. The twins however were smirking at me. Oh God when will this ride end? My eyelids suddenly felt heavy as I thought of taking a quick nap.

Jungkook POV:

It was quiet in the car now except for the voices of Hoseok hyung, Jimin hyung, Taemin and Taejin were heard. They were playing KaiBaiBo and giving dares to the one who lost.
Soobin was sleeping peacefully on Yoongi hyung's lap. Hyung may be cold and stone on the outside but on the inside he is a fluffy soft hearted boy who loves children so much.
Luna was sleeping on my lap while hugging her teddy bear named Hans as I stroke her chocolate hair. Omg she is so cute.
I looked outside the window to see the scenery. It was such a beautiful scenery. So calming yet so mesmerizing. I sighed as I sit back and relax while thinking about a certain someone as my cheeks blushed a pink hue.

Jin POV:

I looked in the back of the car to see everybody quiet. It was a peaceful ride now.
After 15 minutes we reached a neighborhood.

Namjoon: Its right around the corner.

And there it was. The house where the family was murdered.

Me: Okay rats wake up we are here!!

Everyone woke up one by one. We all got out of the car and stared at the house in front of us.

Hoseok: Namjoon are you sure this is the place?

Hoseok asked while staring at the beautiful mansion refusing to believe that a family was actually murdered here.

Namjoon: Yes this is the one. We are at the right place.

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