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Namjoon POV:

Everybody was gone and I was the only one left in the house. I decided to carry on with my investigation about the family murder so I picked up the movies box and went straight to my office which was right next to my room.
I placed the box on my table. For some reason it was kinda heavy, but I shrugged that thought off as I went to the notice board.

What reason did the family die for?
They didnt ever do anything.
They never even had enemies.
So who thought of killing them brutally?
Who is the killer?
And where the hell did Sora go?
These were the questions that bothered me the most. Sora as in Choi Sora was the youngest daughter of the family that mysteriously disappeared after her family was murdered. Not a single trace was found of her by the police. It's like as if she just disappeared in thin air or that she never existed before. Poor girl. She is an orphan now. She must have felt heartbroken after seeing her family die. I just want to find that bastard who killed her family.

Jungkook POV:

We were walking towards the library for Mrs Montague's extra class. Oh God! Why do I feel so nervous?

Well I will tell you why. Because Afifa is also taking this class with us. And I kinda, sorta maybe a teensy bit have a little crush on her.

Okay screw that. I like her okay? A lot actually. She is also bestfriends with me and Raven. We are also known as the famous trio in uni.

Shit! My face is heating up.
Stop blushing Jungkook!!
Get it together!!!

After a few minutes when we reached the library, I saw her sitting right next to Mrs Montague.
Holy banana milk! She looks so beautiful!!!

Raven: Ooooooooooo is someone blushing? 😏

I looked at my side to see Raven with an evil smirk plastered on her face.

Me: No I'm not! What makes you think that?

Raven: Well for the fact that you were staring at Afifa in a very loving way can tell that you are interested in her.

Well she is not wrong though.

Raven: Oh look! She is waving at you.

I looked inside the library and yes, she was waving at us. I shyly raised my hand as I waved back.

Raven POV:

Hehe. Seeing Jungkook blush I'd just the scene I need. I cant believe that this guy who loves banana milk, cookies, crys and acts like a baby and is afraid of girls can fall in love with a girl aka Afifa.

I didnt believe it at first. But when he told me that he liked her, I was jungshooked.

Afifa is not just an ordinary girl, she is actually a foreigner. Like me who is half British and half Korean.

She used to be alone in class in the first two weeks when she transferred to our university.

People treated her like an outcast. And because of this she was lonely.
So that's when me and Jungkook stepped and became friends with her.

She is best person me and Jungkook have ever met.

At first Jungkook was hesitant since he is afraid of girls and is also the popular boy in the uni, except for me, but then he opened up and started getting close to her. He was expecting her to cling on him and beg him to become her boyfriend but that didnt happen at all. Instead she was happy that she has amazing friends like us.

When the girls(who had crushes on Jungkook) found out that Jungkook was interested 8n her, the sluts started bullying her and threatened her to stay away from him.

But any harm could come to her, Jungkook sent them threats and warned them to not even think about laying a finger on her or else he will break their bones and throw their bodies in the gutter.
Since then they didnt even bother to touch her. It's been two months now and everything's at peace.

Afifa even told us about her family and honestly Jungkook and I felt sorry for her.

She told us that they were murdered brutally by someone she used to love and before they could kill her, she ran away from there.

We went into the library and sat next to Afifa as Mrs Montague started her lesson.

Taehyung POV:

The photoshoot was too long but thankfully they gave me a break since my stomach was grumbling like crazy.

I told one of the staff members to order me large sized dumplings since I was craving for them.
But I was also craving for someone.

My dumplings had arrived as I ate them happily while thinking about my one and only someone.

Dont worry Raven. I will make you mine. Even if it takes a hundred years.

Finally I had finished all of my dumplings as I went back to continue my photoshoot.

Sorry for the short chapter.
But dont worry. The horror will start in the next chapter.
Prepare yourself for a ride.

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