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Namjoon POV:

Sleep wasnt getting to me yet. I thought about drinking or eating something that would help me feel a bit better. So I went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a can of coke. I sat on the stool beside the counter and started drinking it while my other hand was rubbing my left temple.

The cold drink made me feel okay. After finishing it I threw it in the bin. I was about to go back to my room when I suddenly heard a strange sound.

It was the sound of a lawn mower. I thought that maybe the neighbors were lawn mowing. Then I looked at the time.

Me: Who on Earth would start lawn mowing in the middle of the night?

My curiosity crept inside me. I started following the sound. It was getting louder the moment I hot closer. Strangely, it was coming straight from our front yard. I pulled the curtains to see someone outside our yard.

It was a little girl. Even in the moonlight I could see that she was wearing a raincoat and boots. But they were all dirty. She was walking all around the front yard with a lawn mower in her hands.

Me: Hey! Stop right there!

The girl stopped in her tracks. The lawn mower stopped working too. Then she turned to look at me. I was horrified just by seeing her. Her eyes were pitch black with pale skin. When she opened her mouth, black liquid gushed out which made me felt like I was about to gag.

I immediately opened the door and ran outside. When I went out, nobody was there. The yard was empty. I quickly ran towards the shed. I opened the door. The lawn mower was still in there. Then I went to check the yard. The grass was all fine. Then what the hell just happened?

I was about to go back in the house when I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone was inside the house looking at me from the door. I looked closely, it was Bughuul!
He tilted his head and disappeared inside the house. With speed I ran inside, but no one there. Suddenly the door closed.

*tap tap tap*


I quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife for defense.

Me: Where are you? Show yourself!

The lights suddenly started to flicker. I was getting really scared now.

*tap tap tap tap*

Me: Who's there? Just show yourself already!! I'm not scared of you!!


I looked to my left to see a plate broken. Multiple plates and glasses started floating in the air. They all came at me. I immediately ducked.





I got so scared that I was practically sitting on the ground covering my ears and my eyes. When I opened them, the lights stopped flickering. There were pieces of broken plates and glasses on the floor. I started hearing scratching sounds. I got up and turned around. My eyes caught the dining table. Words were scratched on it along with the symbol.

I want her.

Her? Whose her?

*drip drip*

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