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At the Wang's house:

Author POV:


A loud gasp came from her as she suddenly woke up from her sleep. Her body was covered in sweat from head to toe while she shivered slightly under the sheets. Her brother, unknowingly, seems to have a radar within him as he dashed into the room with a worried expression.

Jackson: Afifa are you okay!?

Afifa: Yes oppa I'm fine.

Jackson: Are you sure?

Afifa: I just had a dream oppa. But it felt so real.

She grabbed her head feeling a little pain when suddenly a voice spoke in her head.

Help them.

Save them.

Kill it.

Free me.

A sudden shock went through her as she got out of the bed a immediately grabbed her jacket, her brother looked very confused of her actions.

Jackson: Afifa. What are you doing?

Afifa: Oppa we gotta go to that house!

Jackson: Wait what. At this time of night?

Afifa: Yes.

Jackson: But why?

Afifa: Oppa. I think they all are in danger.

Jackson: .....

Afifa: Please believe me oppa. I'm in my right state of mind and I know what I'm doing.

Jackson went silent for a moment. Was he supposed to believe her or not? But then a series of flashes went thru his mind like a movie being played in the cinema.

Jackson: Let's go.

They both hurried downstairs wearing their pajamas as Jackson grabbed the car keys and hurried outside to sit in the car with his sister.

Afifa: Oppa wait!

Jackson: What?

Afifa: Let's bring some fire extinguishers with us.

At the house:

Yoongi POV:

My head felt really heavy at the moment. It was hard to open my eyes and see what the hell is going on. But eventually, with full struggle I finally opened my eyes to look at my surroundings.

Wait a damn minute! I was back at the house. How do I know this? Because this is the fucking cornfield!

I was about to speak and move my body when I realized that something was wrong. My mouth was sealed tight shut by a duct tape and both my arms and legs were tied to a pole like a cross. My arms spread out while both my feet were tied together. A strong smell of kerosene went up my nose. I felt like puking.

I started to freak out but no one could hear me. My muffled screams were followed by many others too. I looked at my left to see the other members waking up. They freaking out too of course. Then I looked at my right to see Soobin, Taemin and Taejin tied up as well. The twins were crying while Soobin was trying to break free from the ropes, hurting himself in the process. The members tried to scream and speak to me too but nothing worked.

???: Well well well. Look who finally woke up.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

We instantly shot our head towards the direction of the voice. Our screams died down as if someone turned off the loud radio.

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