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Jungkook POV:

Where am I? Why cant I see a thing?


My voice echoed beyond the darkness. It was dark everywhere. Not even a single source of light seen. I cant even see my hands, my feet or my body. Am I lost here?

???: Hello Jungkook.

Me: Yah! Who said that?

???: You cant see me right now but I'm in your head.

Me: What the hell are doing in there? And who are you may I ask?

???: Consider me an acquaintance whose going to help you get out of here.

Me: How am I supposed trust you?

???: I helped Hoseok save Yoongi. I was in his head too. But I came here to help you right now.

Me: Fair enough. But where am I?

???: You are in the other side. A dark void where time doesnt exist. But instead of you being in the reality, you somehow ended up outside it.

Me: Well great.

???: The rest of your friends are in the reality. But they are in danger so we need to move fast.

Me: Oh my. But how will I get to them. I cant see a thing.

???: I will guide you out of here.

Me: Really? Well thanks.

???: No time to lose. Go straight and take a right.

10 minutes later:

???: Take another left.

Me: I still cant see shit.

???: Be patient.

Me: Ugh fine.

After a couple moments of walking in the dark, I saw light light shining from an end.

Me: I see light!

I started running towards it. When I reached it, I saw that it was a window. I looked through it to see a spacious room. Jin hyung was inside the room. He was looking around, probably confused to where he was.

Me: Jin hyung! Hyung! Can you hear me!

I banged on the window to get his attention, but he wasnt listening to me.

???: He cant hear you.

Me: What? Why?

???: Like I said, you are outside the reality and because of that your hyungs wont be able to hear you.

Me: Cant I get in?

???: Not like this. A door will lead you out of this darkness.

Me: Shit!

I cursed under my breath. I saw Jin hyung coming towards the window.

Me: Hyung.

Me: Hyung

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