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The next day:

Author POV:

You might be wondering if something happened yesterday after the water park incident. The answer is no.

The members were happy that nothing happened. After the water park incident, the members decided to do a movie party in the house. The kids were happy too hearing about it. So that's what happened last night. Eventually, everyone fell asleep on the couch or on the floor while watching Avengers Endgame.

It all went well and no one decided to disturb them.

Today everyone was busy. The kids had school, Jungkook and Raven had uni, Taehyung was called by Louis Vuitton to become their ambassador, Namjoon was with Jackson at the police station, Jin was at his restaurant, Jimin and Hoseok got a call by Hybe Labels to teach the rookie boy band Enhypen their choreography and Yoongi was busy in his Genius Lab creating a new song.

What could possibly go wrong today?

2:34 PM

Yoongi POV:

I was busy in my Genius Lab writing lyrics of my new song. It's called Agust D The Last.

I was also tired. But I had fun yesterday. Thank goodness the demon didnt try to mess with us yesterday. I was in relief. But I knew that this wasnt the end of his games. Killing demons aren't easy. Either you have to sacrifice yourself to give it your soul or you have to call a priest to get rid of it. But mostly its sacrificing since demons are basically inhuman sadists.

I stopped writing to take a small break. I called my manager and told him to get me a Americano and chocolate cupcakes with it. I was craving something sweet anyway.

I looked at the song that I had done so far. The fans are gonna love it. Thinking about it made me smile. You aren't alone in this world Yoongi. You got your bestfriends and your fans with you.


Me: Dammit.

My pen fell on the floor and rolled at the back of my desk. I bent down to get it. But it was too far. When I sat up, I saw a silhouette on my blank computer screen. I instantly looked back to find no one there.

Me: Whatever.

This time, I kneeled down to grab my pen.

Me: Almost got it. Yes!

I grabbed it and was about sit down but when I saw Bughuul on my computer screen, I screeched.


I looked back and no one was there.

Me: This fucking demon!

Suddenly my computer turned on. It started glitching. I was getting really scared right now.

A message was typed on my computer.

I want her.

Me: You said that before too. BUT WHO THE FUCK IS HER!?

You know.

Me: If I had known I wouldn't have been asking you this!!

The computer glitched again and this time, it showed a picture of.....

Me: Luna?


Me: No no no. Why her!? I'm asking you why her!!?

The computer glitched again and it suddenly got caught on fire.

Me: Oh shit!

I immediately ran out of my studio. There was a fire extinguisher in the hallway. I grabbed it and ran back inside and sprayed it all on the computer. The fire went put. A few of the staff members came, wondering what just happened. Even my manager came holding my food in his hands.

Manager: What just happened here?

Me: My computer exploded.

Manager: Are you okay Yoongi? Did you get hurt?

Me: I'm fine.

I snatched my Americano and chocolate cupcakes from his hand and went outside the building.

I have to tell the guys about this.

Jungkook POV:

We didnt see Afifa at uni today. We wanted to talk to her but I guess she is sick or something.

Me and Raven decided to visit her home. So that was our plan for now.

I was sitting in my class minding my own business when my phone suddenly vibrated. I bent down to see a message from Afifa.

You have one message from
Cute Princess💜

Cute princess💜
Meet me at the cemetery
after uni.

Why does she want to meet us at the cemetery? I was confused right now. After uni ended I went to Raven.

Me: Hey Raven! Afifa texted me.

Raven: Same here. She wants us to meet at the cemetery.

Me: I know. C'mon let's go.

The cemetery was near the uni so we practically ran there. When we arrived there, we saw Afifa standing by one of the graves holding what look like to be jasmine flowers in her hands. We went to her.

Raven: Hey Fifi. We're here.

Afifa: Hey guys.

Her voice came out in a whisper. She turned to us. Her skin was so pale now and her eyes had dark circles underneath. She wasnt okay.

Afifa: They were always happy. Mom would always pamper me even when I told her to stop. And Dad would always say that if I interact with a guy then he will test him by playing video games with him. And Aiden was always messing with me. He would always steal my Conan CDs.

I saw tears welling up in her eyes.

Raven: We are so sorry.

Afifa: Its okay. Atleast they are at peace now.

Me: Why didnt you tell us?

Afifa: I thought that it wasnt necessary. But after seeing what situation you guys have gotten yourself into, I had to spill the secrets.

Me: Its okay.

Afifa: I can still remember their horrifying faces when they died.

Me: Do you remember who killed them?

Afifa: That's the problem. I dont remember.

Raven: How come you dont remember?

Afifa: The Bughuul does something to your memories if are the one that survived the murder. I dont remember who the killer was but I remember Bughuul standing and watching it happen. I just wanted to kill that thing for taking my family away from me.

Raven: Can we really kill it?

Afifa: No. Once it has its target set, he will do anything to get his target. Even Holy Water or bringing a priest wont help. He is that powerful. The best solution is to run away far from here.

Me: That's impossible for us.

Afifa: Then you all are sitting ducks.


Uh oh. 😶

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