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At home:

Taehyung POV:

Me, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung were in the house.

I was busy making Yoongi hyung's soup so that he would feel better while hyung was all bundled up in blankets on the sofa in the living room. He was watching Tom and Jerry and was also cuddling his Kumamon plushie with great interest. To be honest, he looked like a cute kitty. So cute.

Namjoon hyung was in his office still doing his investigation. He was tired but he didnt rest even a little. It's like he is looking for the missing of the puzzle that isnt being found. I hope he finds it soon.

I was busy making the soup when I suddenly heard a splash sound out of nowhere. I thought maybe it was coming from the cartoon Yoongi hyung was watching but no it wasnt from there. Then again I heard that splash. That's when I realized that the sound was coming from the front yard.

The window of the kitchen shows the view of the front yard. The splash sounds were coming from the swimming pool that is situated in our front yard. I looked from the window leaving the soup alone for a minute. I thought I was seeing things for a moment but then I realized that I wasnt.

There was a little boy sitting at the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water. His back was facing me. That boy was giving off dark vibes. He had no shirt on but was wearing shorts that were old and dirty. His body looked rotten. He didnt look normal at all. I was getting strange chills while looking at him.

He suddenly stopped splashing his legs in the water. Then he turned around and looked at me. But what shocked and terrified me the most was the smile he gave me. His eyes were dark black. No color visible. And his smile was so creepy. His lips stretched into a creepy psychotic grin showing his broken and rotten teeth.

I wanted no time as I ran out of the kitchen. I think I had startled Yoongi hyung for a second there because when he saw my feared face he got concerned.

Yoongi: Taehyung where are you going? Is something wrong?

Me: There is a weird boy sitting at the edge of the swimming pool.

Yoongi: But there is no one there.

Me: Hyung I saw him please let me go!!

Namjoon POV:

I was busy in my office trying to connect the dots to find the missing piece of the puzzle. Papers were scattered on the table. The two tapes were also near the gyroscope on the table since I was busy watching them so I could get some clues on the family murder.

The most strange thing is that the BBQ family murder happened in 1979 and the child of that family went missing too. I thought about watching the BBQ tape again so I set up the gyroscope and played the tape. And that's when I found it.

Me: Huh? What is that?

I saw something on the car in which the family was tied up and burned but I couldn't see it properly since it was too dim to see it.

I searched up on Google and found a way to copy the tapes into my laptop and guess what. It worked. Now the whole tape was in my laptop. I found that clip where I saw something on the car and paused it there. Then I adjusted the brightness of the picture.

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