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Jungkook POV:

Me: How far are we?

???: For the hundredth time Jungkook! WE ARE ALMOST THERE!

Me: What the hell do you mean almost!? Its been hours and my feet are fucking killing me!!

???: Dude just be patient goddamn it!!

Me: Yah! I'm older than you! Respect me bish!!

???: Hah! I will NOT!

Me: Child you are underestimating me!

???: Says the one who always disrespects his hyungs!!

Me: Yah! 😤


Me: *sigh* I'm sorry.

???: For what?

Me: For yelling at you.

???: ....

Me: The only world that mattered to me the most was my sister. Now she is possessed by it. I feel so hopeless and lost. I dont know what to do. And because of that, I yelled at you.

???: I understand. But it's not your fault so you dont have to apologize. No one knew this would happen. Not even my parents.

Me: Is it okay if I ask you about it?

???: I'm dead already. So yeah.

Me: Did you knew it was possessing you?

???: Yes I knew. In fact, I tried to fight it so that it wont possess me. But a child will always be weaker than a demon. One of the biggest reasons why demons prey on children the most. They are innocent, helpless and need someone to rely on. These demons take that advantage and lure the child in their trap.

Me: I see. This explains all the horror movies I've seen. I remember reading in the Demonology book that in order for a demon to possess a child's soul, they must finish the light within it. Why is that?

???: A child's innocence lies within its light. The light of the child is the only thing that can make a demon weak. So in order to destroy that light, the demon uses many violent ways to do it.

Me: What violent ways?

???: Either it can use the child's fear on him/her. Or he can use the child as a puppet to do bad things.

Me: Oh. So that's what Bughuul did.

???: Yes. He used us. He made us his puppets first by entering our minds. Then he made us kill our families which also destroyed the light among us. Finally, he possess us.

Me: So that means Luna is not possessed right now?

???: No. Her mind is being controlled by him. But if she kills any one of you guys, then her light will be destroyed too.

Me: No wonder why you want revenge.

???: I'm not the only one who wants revenge.

Me: Wait. Does that mean-

???: All of us want revenge.

Me: Then why didnt you guys kill it?

???: We cant. It's too powerful. If we try to fight him then he will punish us in the most harsh ways.

Me: Harsh?

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