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The next day:

Author POV:

Jin: Yoongi I think you should stay home, take some rest and make yourself feel better.

Yoongi: Hyung I dont know what is happening. Hyung I'm scared please I'm not lying.

Jin: Shhhhh. Calm down Yoongi. It's going to be okay. Wish I could stay with you.

Namjoon: Dont worry hyung. I'll stay and look after him.

Jin: Ummmm I dont trust you.

Namjoon: What? Why!?

Jin: Cuz you are going to wreck my kitchen again and I know it.

Namjoon: ...............I'm highly offended.

Jin: *sigh* I want someone to stay with them. So whose up for it?

Raven: I wish we could oppa but you know that me and Jungkook need to go to uni.

Jimin: Well me and Hobi hyung cant skip dance class so sorry hyung.

Taehyung: Hey! What about me!? *pouts*

Taemin: *sigh* I sometimes feel like I'm raising you hyung.

Taehyung: Nobody tells me what to do now scram kid.

Taemin: 🙄

Taehyung: Hope you find a brain back there.

Jin: Okay enough with the bickering. So Taehyung is staying.
Please dont let Namjoon go in the kitchen.

Taehyung: Aye aye hyung!

Jin: I'll call PD-nim and inform him about Yoongi's situation.

Later they all scattered to their places. Raven and Jungkook took the kids to school. Jimin and Hoseok went to their dance school and Jin headed straight to his restaurant.

Meanwhile at home, Namjoon was rewatching the two tapes again hoping to find the clues that could lead to finding out the death of the family and the missing child.

Yoongi however was not thinking properly. He was feeling scared and terrified probably thinking that the boy will meet him again while Taehyung on the other hand was busy making him some hot chicken noodle soup.

Raven POV:

We were driving the kids to school. Luna was sitting on Jungkook's lap while the rest three were sitting in the back seat. The twins and Luna were having a happy conversation while Soobin was just sitting quietly and looking outside the streets. Soobin was never the quiet one in the house. He was the little monster of the house but now he doesnt look okay at all.

What is happening to everyone? I wish I could get the answer.

Taejin: Last night I dreamt about a girl.

Taemin: Really?

Taejin: Yeah.

Luna: What did she look like unnie?

Taejin: She was wearing a blue dress. She had long straight blonde hair and was wearing a red bow on her head. She didnt look happy though.

Soobin: WAIT!! WHAT!?

*screeeeeeeeeeech* *thud*

I hit the brakes harshly when I heard Soobin scream.

Me: What's wrong Soobin?

Soobin: What was she talking about Taejin!? Tell me!

Taejin: She was talking gibberish oppa. I could only hear her whispers.

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