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Eid Mubarak my lovely Muslims!! 🎉🎉🎉

Author POV:

It was surprisingly quiet in the house. Only the sound of spoons and plates being clinked together was heard. The unusual silence felt awkward and uncomfortable among the members. Even the kids felt awkward. Nobody was saying a single word. Not until someone decided to break the silence.

Jin: So *ahem* how was everyone's day today?

Yoongi: Yeah it was good. Finished the MV shooting. Talked with PD-nim about when to release it.

Jin: Well that's great. Hope it gets billion views.

Yoongi: Yup. Okay.

Jin didnt liked the atmosphere at all. He was wondering what was wrong with his dongsaeng since Yoongi isnt always like the way he is now. He sometimes looks sleepy, tired and cold but this was truly something unusual to look at. He looked disturbed pretty badly.

Even Jin's brother didnt look good at all. Soobin's hands were shaking aggressively. He was sweating so hard too. Jin thought about asking him but then he remembered that Soobin mostly doesnt like sharing his secrets and keeps it to himself. Might as well give the child a break.

Namjoon however was immersed in his own thoughts about the case, the family and the videotape. How could he forget about the goddamn video tape when it was literally the killer who was filming them. But where on Earth is their little girl? Did the killer kidnapped her and kept her somewhere? Or maybe killed her and disposed her body someplace? Is she even alive? Too many questions bombarded in his mind but he knows that all of them will be answered if he watches the rest of the videotapes. But why was he feeling so nervous?

It was time for bed. The members tucked the children in their bed until they fell asleep. Then they went back into the living room.

Taehyung: Are they all asleep?

Raven: Yep they are.

Jin: Soobin slept. But he really looked terrified for some reason.

Jimin: Yeah even I noticed that when we were in dance class.

Hoseok: Dude was shaking and sweating like crazy. What is wrong with him?

Raven: I dont know but Yoongi oppa doesnt look to good as well.

Yoongi: What me? I'm ok. I'm fine. You dont need to worry about me.

Jungkook: No hyung you're not fine. You dont look like your usual self.

Yoongi: *sigh* Yeah you're right. I'm not fine.

Jin: What's wrong Yoongles? You know you can tell us.

Yoongi: I dont know. You guys will think that I'm crazy.

Namjoon: You know we will never. Besides we are friends and family as well.

Yoongi: Okay. Here goes.

Then Yoongi started telling them about what had happened to him. That weird kid. How he looked so much dead. And how his touch sent shivers running down his spine. When he was done, all eyes were on him.

Yoongi: See? I knew you guys would think that I'm crazy.

Hoseok: Bro we didnt even say that. We are just shook.

Raven: Actually the same happened to me too.

Jimin: What? Really!?

Raven: Yeah. But instead it felt like as if someone was watching me inside the house.

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