Author's note

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And its finally finished!


Yo I've never been so happy just because I finished a book.

This was my first book tho. I remember one day i was sitting and watching Sinister and I was like.....

Me: Hey why dont I make a Sinister story of my home!

And that's how the idea popped up in my head.

I started this book in February and now it ended in October.

I know the story is crappy so please bear with it.

But I would like to thank all the readers who were with me along this amazing author-reader story.


And to the new readers if you ever find this book. Thanks for reading my first book even though it's very crappy.

I will be editing this book someday (mostly my typo mistakes in here) but I wont change the storyline in this because this book is really precious to me.

Also, always Love yourself for who you are and never be depressed for not succeeding. One day everyone succeeds in their life. But in order to do that you have to keep trying. Always try and reach the top. That way you will also find what you were looking for.

Also checkout my other books.

(Sorry if I didnt upload the pictures of the covers.)

My brother the vampire.
I'm still working on that story but there will be slow updates on this.

The Prophecy of Blackswans.
The trailer was uploaded but I haven't started the story yet. But there will be slow updates on this one too.

As always thankyou for being with me in this lovely journey my little Demons.

Love you guys lots!


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