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Hoseok POV:

As we entered the house we saw a lot of furniture covered with white sheets. I was feeling a little scared since a family was murdered in this house. Calm down Hoseok. It's just a house calm down. What could possibly go wrong. I had managed to calm myself down ignoring the fact that the hair on my neck was standing on end.

Author POV:

Jin: Okay rats we are going to select our right now with no chaos got that?

Taehyung: Can I say something hyung?

Jin: Yeah sure.

Taehyung: Can I sleep with Raven?

Raven: What?! Oh hell no you are not!!! I'm not sleeping with you no matter what!!!

Jimin: Why Raven afraid that he would do something to you? 😏

Raven: I dont care and I am so not sleeping with him.

Taehyung: Why peachie dont you wanna mingle with me at night? 😏

Raven: Sorry not interested.

Jin: HEY STOB IT!!! You two are not sleeping together no matter what. I dont want children being reproduced here. Got it?

Taehyung: But hyu-

Jin: N.O means NO Taehyung!

Taehyung: Ugh fine.

Taejin: I have a question though oppa.

Jin: What?

Taejin: How are children reproduced?

Jimin: Well you see when two people fall in love in order to-

Jin: Shut up Park Jimin before I spank you with my pink spatula!!!

Jimin: Ooh that's kinky. 😏

Jin: This the reason why I'm getting old.😫

Jungkook: Hyung you are old.

Luna: Hehe oppa is oldie.

Soobin: Finally. I thought I was the only one.

Jin: What did you say Jungkook? I didnt hear it properly. 😈

Jungkook: Nothing. 😳

Jin: That's what I thought. 😌

Yoongi: 😂😂😂

Jin: Dont worry Yoongi you will be next. 😈

Yoongi: 😶

Hoseok: Guys stop fighting and let's choose our rooms already. I'm tired.

Jin: Okay then let's choose our rooms now. Namjoon you listening?

Namjoon: Oh yeah yeah yes absolutely.

Jin: Okay then go choose your room.

Namjoon: Okay 👍

Namjoon wasnt actually listening to the quarrel between his friends instead he was staring at the tree outside through the huge window of the living room. It had a broken branch. More like cutted. It was the same tree the family was found murdered and hung. He sighed as he went away to choose his room.

The rooms that were chosen by the BTS members, Raven, the twins and Luna.

Jin's room

Jin's room

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