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Hoseok POV:



Me: Ow!

I landed harshly on the hard ground. Thankfully, I wasnt hurt. I got up and sat down rubbing my bruised forehead.

Me: This shit hurts like hell!

I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. The room looked old and and weary. Their were a bunch of kids toys and carnival stuff in the room. A large tub was placed in the side of the room. I went towards it and peeked inside the tub. The tub was filled with full sized Snickers! They looked so delicious! Right at the moment I knew I was hungry. I grabbed some and stuffed my pockets with it.

Me: Now I have to get out.

I looked around the room again. I saw the door. I walked towards it slowly. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it.

Me: Hmmm? It's not opening?

I twisted it again. It didnt budge. Panic started rising inside me. I gulped. I twisted the knob again.

Me: No! Open!

I tried again. And again. And again. I started pulling the door. But it didnt work. I gave up and sat on the floor with my body leaning on the door, hoping it would open.

 I gave up and sat on the floor with my body leaning on the door, hoping it would open

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The lock suddenly fell off.

Me: So I'm in the demon world. That thing is gonna kill me by torturing me like this.

???: Having fun already?

Me: Whose there!?

A sudden voice of a girl sent shivers down my spine. I stood up and looked around the room.

Me: Show yourself!

???: Awwww are you scared?

Me: I said show yourself!

???: Dont worry. I wont kill you.

Me: *sigh*



???: Turn around.

I turned around. Oh how I wished I had my knife with me. I had no weapon with me. Completely defenseless.

I looked to see a little girl wearing a dirty blue dress. Blond hair with a dirty red bow on it. Her skin pale with cracks on it. Her eyes were dark with a menacing stare. She was holding a ax in her right hand.

???: Howdy.

Me: You're that girl f-f-from the Family Hanging Out t-t-tape.

Crap. Why did I stutter?

???: That is correct.

Me: Why do you wanna kill all of us?

???: I see you got that wrong. It's not you or any of you that the Bughuul wants.

Me: Then what does it want?

???: *scoff* Who do you think?

Me: No. You are not taking her.

???: Not me. Bughuul. He wants her soul and he will do anything to get it.

Me: We will make sure that doesnt happens.

???: He is powerful and you dont stand a chance. To him you all are little ants that he can stomp on.

Me: Why are you even doing this? Why are you serving him? He made you kill your family. Then why?

???: ....

Me: Did I hit a nerve?

???: That's none of your concern.

Me: Yes it is. He made you kill them. You should be mad at him for making you do that. But instead you're serving him. Why?

???: ....

Me: Why?

???: ....


???: Enough with the boring chat! Let's play!

Then she grabbed the ax with her both hands and swung it at me. I dodged it thankfully. Then she swung it at me again. I grabbed the handle of the ax firmly with my hands.

She tried forcing it out of my hands but I didnt let her have it. Like I was gonna give it to her.

With all my strength, I pulled the ax out of her hands and pushed her away from me.

Me: If you all are being forced to serve him then we can help you.

???: I dont need it!

She got up and instantly jumped at me. She climbed on my back. Then she started pulling my hair harshly.


The ax fell out of my hands. I held onto her arms and shook her off of me. She fell down on the floor. I saw that she was about to grab that ax so I held her legs and pulled her away from it. I instantly dashed and picked up the ax. Lastly, I swung it towards her.

She disappeared instantly into a black smoke. I looked around keeping my guard up. No one was there. I looked at the ax and then at the door.

Me: That's my ticket outta here.

I ran towards the door with the ax. Then I swung it using all of my strength to break down the door. After a few minutes, the door was completely broken down. I was in a long hallway.

Me: Should I go left or right?

???: Go right.

Me: Whose that!?

???: Its me.

Me: Why are you helping me?

???: I've been held captive along with my friends. Freedom is what we demand. Yes I am mad that he made me kill my parents. That's why I want revenge.

Me: How can I trust you. You literally tried to kill me.

???: That was just a show. I knew Bughuul was watching me so I had to do it. I'm sorry.

Me: I still dont trust you.

???: I know it's hard. But you have too. I can help you save your friends lives and save Luna too.

Me: *sigh* Fine. But if you try to kill me or my friends then I wont hesitate to kill you first.

???: Its a deal.

Me: Why aren't you showing yourself?

???: I cant do that. It's too risky for me and you. I can only speak in your mind.

Me: Fine by me. Then lead the way.

???: Go right. One of your friends is about to be burned alive.


Should Hoseok trust the girl or not? 🤔

Sorry for the short chapter.

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