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The next morning:

Author POV:

Jin: I made pancakes~

Taemin: Yay! Pancakes!

Taejin: Thankyou so much oppa!

Luna: We love you oppa!

Jin: Awww thankyou you lovelies.

Soobin: Hyung can we watch TV while eating?

Jin: Ofcourse you can.

Luna: Yay!

The kids ran to sit infront of the TV with their pancakes. Meanwhile, Jin was serving the rest of his friends some pancakes too.

Hoseok: Thanks for making pancakes hyung.

Jin: Thanks Hobi.

Taehyung: Boy I've been craving pancakes for days.

Jimin: You sound like you haven't eaten anything for years.

Taehyung: Jimin. When it comes to pancakes, everyone sounds like that.

Jungkook: I highly agree with him.

Raven: Let's dig in now.

Everyone on the table were happily eating pancakes and having fun talking to eachother. Except for one person. His guilt held him in its grasp. He felt like this was all his fault. At this point, he was starting to hate himself. He never did that, but his guilt was making him feel like that. It was more like he wanted to kill himself. End his life so that everyone could live peacefully. Is this how depressed people felt whenever they said that they cant take it anymore?

Jimin: Joonie hyung are you okay?

Namjoon looked up at Jimin with an are-you-serious look.

Jimin: Wrong question.

Hoseok: Namjoon. It's okay buddy. Just forget about what happened last night.

Namjoon: How could I forget all that? How could I forget that I hurted my friend?

Jungkook: Hyung it's okay. It wasnt your fault.

Namjoon: No Jungkook. This is all my fault. Everything that has happened so far by coming into this cursed house to not believing you guys is all my fault.

Jin: Namjoon stop saying that.

Namjoon: Its true though. I'm the worst friend ever.

Yoongi: Namjoon. I may look like that I dont give two fucks about sympathy but just so you know, you are the bestest person we've been friends with. You taught us how to love yourself. You taught us to speak for yourself. To stand up and fight. To fight those who judge you for who you are. And you're saying that you are the worst friend ever? No Namjoon. You are the greatest person in this world. No fuck it. You're the greatest person in this whole fucking universe. So stop whining now Namjoon because none of this is your fault.

Taehyung: Yoongi hyung is right. Hyung you never knew that this was gonna happen. Not even the police knew that this was gonna happen. So stop blaming yourself for all this.

Namjoon: Thanks guys. But still-

Jin: No. Not another word. Now eat your pancakes before they get cold. Or better, let me feed you. How about that?

Hoseok: You sound like a mom hyung.

Jin: Want to get spanked with my spatula?

Hoseok: I'll pass.

Everyone giggled. Namjoon did too. Jin started feeding him by doing "here comes the airplane" with him. Namjoon gave him glares at that, but then he let it go. Jin understood Namjoon's feelings really well because he went through the same despair seven years ago.

If Namjoon hadnt stopped him at that time, then he wouldn't have been sitting here right now, laughing with his friends and cracking up silly dad jokes. Instead he would've been in hell for taking his own life.

Namjoon was so scared last night that he couldn't sleep at all so Jin offered him to sleep with him if he is okay with it. Namjoon agreed on that. But he still wasnt able to fall asleep. Jin knew what to do. And he did. He started singing a lullaby that Namjoon's mother used to sing to him as a kid whenever he was scared of the monsters under his bed at night. And guess what. It worked. Namjoon fell asleep with a small smile on his lips.

Jin even covered the dining table this morning with a table cloth. He didnt want Namjoon to remember what had happened. That's how much he loves his bestfriend. People may think they are a couple walking in the street. But in reality they are bros who need eachother. Not just these two but all Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung and Raven. Together, they like a group of bros that love each other. And they will always help eachother whenever they need it.

When it comes to friendship, age doesnt matter. Friendship has no boundaries. It's a bond that will never break even if we get old. Couples break up with eachother. But friends dont. Everyone needs a friend in their lives to help them live. A true friend. A supporting friend.

Everyone was done eating now.

Jin: Okay kids. Go get your bags now. Your bus is on it's way now.

Taemin, Taejin and Luna ran into their rooms except for Soobin. He was just sitting on the couch. His bag was next to him. It seemed like he was waiting for the twins and Luna to go into their rooms.

Hoseok: Soobin? What's wrong buddy?

Raven: Yeah. Is everything okay?

Soobin hurriedly got up and jogged towards them. He looked scared.

Soobin: Hyungs. I have to tell you guys something.

Jimin: What is it Binnie?

Soobin: Its about-

Everyone's gaze was on him. They were waiting for him to tell them what he wanted to say.

Jin: About what?

Soobin: Its about.....about.....Mr Boogie.

Those last words were enough to make Namjoon shudder. He looked at Soobin with a terrified expression. The other members were confused at Soobin's statement. They didnt know who Mr Boogie was.

Soobin: And he-

Soobin was about to speak again when he suddenly stopped. His eyes lingered in the hallway. He was staring at something. Or rather someone. The members got even more confused. They looked at the direction where Soobin was looking at in the hallway. But nobody was there.

Jin: Soobin? What were you going to say? Soobin?

Jimin: Hey Soobin?

Taemin: Hey guys the bus is here!

Taejin: Come on Soobin oppa you dont wanna be late.

Before the members could question Soobin more, he grabbed his backpack and dashed out of the house.

Taehyung: Weird. What was that?

Hoseok: I have no idea.

Jimin: Who is Mr Boogie?

Yoongi: I dont know bro.

But Namjoon did.


Next chapter will be posted in a couple minutes.

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