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Yoongi POV:

Me: Fuck! My back!

I landed on the hard floor with a loud thud. Pain jolted throughout my body. I got up and looked around my unfamiliar surroundings.

Me: Where the hell am I?

The paint on the walls looked old and rotted. There was a broken piano in the corner of the room, an old guitar sat on it. The fireplace was boarded up. There was also a worn out chair in the middle of the room. I saw the door and went towards it. But it had no doorknob.

Me: What the fuck!

I pushed the door. Nothing happened of course. Then I called out.


???: They cant hear you.

Me: Whose there!?

I looked around the room to find the source of the voice.

???: Right here loser.

I hand came out from the gaps of the board from the fireplace. I went towards the fireplace and bent down. A boy was sitting calmly with what looks to be like a blowtorch in his hands.

Me: Who are you?

???: I'm surprised you didnt recognize me.

I looked closely at him. My eyes widened. A sinister smirk appeared on his face.

???: I see you do recognize me.

Me: You're that boy from BBQ. The one who appeared at the park!

???: Bingo!

Me: What do you want?

???: More like what does Bughuul want.

Me: Dont even bother.

???: But he has her. You cant do anything now.

Me: Yes we can. We will get her back!

???: How will you get her back when this will be your final resting place?

Me: What?

???: You heard me right.

Me: But why kill us!?

???: Because he wants us to.

Me: *scoff* You do realize he made you kill your family right?

???: Who cares about that? I serve him and I'm happy about it.

???: How can you serve that fucker!?

???: I cant answer you that.

Me: Why? Why cant you answer? Is it because you have no choice?

???: Shut up!

Me: So you have no choice.

???: So you're not gonna shut up? Okay. I have other ways.

Me: Do whatever you want, but just so you know once you kill all of us, the guilt will eat you alive even if you are already dead.

He stopped doing whatever he was about to do. He just stared at the floor uttering no words. I knew my words were gonna hit him like a truck. After all, dead or not, he is still a child. I got up and started to go towards the door.

???: I have the guilt already. And it has been eating me alive ever since day one.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at him.

???: Every time, whenever I look at my hands, all I see is red. The blood of my family that used to love me. And the family that i killed.

Me: It wasnt your fault that you killed them.

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