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Jin POV:

We were hesitant at first but we shrugged it off as we played the tape.

When we saw the film playing, our eyes widened. My hand flew towards my mouth. All of us seeing this with horror shown on our faces.

How is this possible?


Namjoon: Oh shit! Oh Holy shit! How!? When!!?


Me: Guys stop it stop panicking will you!!! We can figure this out together.

Yoongi: Stop it? Stop it!!? Literally the whole video showed the family murder from a goddamn tree!! The same tree that is outside in our fucking backyard!!!
And you want me to stop?!
That's it I'm done!!
I'm going to sleep now!!
I dont know what films the rest of the tapes have but I'm not watching this shit now!!!!

Hoseok: Hyung please calm down.

Hoseok said as he ran towards Yoongi and embraced him. He was struggling to break free but then calmed down.

Wow! Hoseok's sunshine hugs works on him like a charm.

Jimin: Okay. Let's all take a deep breath and calm ourselves.


Jimin: Good. Now Namjoon hyung. Can you explain what's going on?

Namjoon: I dont know what's going on right now but my question is, who was filming them?

Jungkook: Well that's your duty to find out.

Taehyung: I dont know who filmed this but I do know that the camera which was used to film this is ridiculously old fashioned.
Like way old fashioned. Maybe back in 1960s or 70s.

Namjoon: You are right Taehyung. And another thing that the girl who went missing was not in the video.
She was in the start. Playing and having a picnic with her family. But then she suddenly disappeared.
Where did she go?

Raven: You have a point Joonie. The family looked so happy at first. They were having fun. Having great time to ourselves.
It didnt even look like those smiles on their faces were fake. They were having a real and loving moment.
And the next thing happened was them being murdered by hanging them up from a tree.

Yoongi: But who was cutting the tree? We couldn't even see who it was.

Me: There must be someone in the tree cutting. It cant cut itself right?

Taehyung: I guess so.

Jimin: Guys?

Hoseok: Yes Jimin.

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