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Jin POV:

Me: Hurry the door opened!

We all went inside the room with great rush. Meanwhile, I was praying that both Jimin and Raven are okay.

When we entered the room we saw Jimin lying on the floor and Raven was next to him, coughing furiously. The walls were wet, so that means that water had filled this room a minute ago.

Taehyung: Jimin! Raven!

We ran towards them both in the center of the room. Jungkook took off his jacket and wrapped it around Raven.

Raven: *cough* Jimin *gasp* Jimin *gasp*.

She pointed towards Jimin. We crowded around Jimin. Yoongi checked his pulse.

Yoongi: His heartbeat is slow! He's going to die!

Hoseok: Nooo!

Yoongi immediately started doing CPR on Jimin.

Taehyung: Jimin please wake up. You cant die!

Jungkook: Who am I gonna call shortie after you're gone!? *sniff* Please don't die hyung. *sniff*

Hoseok: Wake up Jimin. Please.

Me: Jimin if you wake up then I will make you loads of Ramen and Mochi for you. Just please dont die.

Tears rapidly started to flow from my eyes. I couldn't control them. All I care for right now is Jimin. God please dont let him die. I beg you.

Yoongi: I'm not giving up on you Jimin! Wake up!!

Namjoon: Sorry for saying that you dont have jams Jimin. In fact, you are the most coolest and the kindest person I've ever met.

Raven: Please wake up oppa. Your dirty jokes are the actually very funny. Even though Jin oppa hates them.

Yoongi suddenly start to slow down.

Yoongi: Wake *gasp* up. Jimin.

He stopped.

Taehyung: Jimin? Hyung why did you stop!? *sniff* JIMIN!!

Jungkook: Hyung.

Taehyung: What am I going to do without my soulmate Jungkook?*sniff*

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Taehyung: What am I going to do without my soulmate Jungkook?*sniff*

We all cried. Jimin's lifeless body in front of us. His head was on Yoongi's lap as he stroked his hair.

Me: That's it. I'll do it myself.

They all looked at me as I went towards Jimin's body. Then I started doing CPR on him.

Namjoon: Hyung stop. It's no use.

Me: You think I will give up on my brother? No I will not!




Yoongi: Please hyung stop *sniff*


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