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Raven POV:

Namjoon: I know who Mr Boogie is.

We all looked at Namjoon. He knows who Mr Boogie is?

Jimin: Who is he?

Namjoon: Follow me.

We all got up and followed Namjoon. He walked in his office. Soon after we were inside his office too. I saw Namjoon bring out the movies box. Just by looking at that box makes me sick.

Jin: So whose Mr Boogie?

Namjoon: Be patient hyung.

Namjoon opened the box. Instead of taking out the tapes, he handed Jin oppa the cover of the box.

Jin: What am I gonna do with this?

Namjoon: Flip it.

Jin oppa flipped the cover and we gasped. There were kids drawings on the bottom of the cover.

Hoseok: Drawings?

Namjoon: Not just drawings. Look closely.

I looked closely. My eyes widened. The drawings were the scenes from the tapes we saw.

Jungkook: What the hell.

Namjoon: See?

In every drawing, there was this Mr Boogie standing and watching the murder happen.

Namjoon: You see this guy? This guy-

He pointed at Mr Boogie on the cover.

Namjoon: -is this guy.

Then he showed us the picture of Bughuul in the water.

Jimin: So you're saying that Bughuul is Mr Boogie?

Namjoon: Yep. That's exactly what I'm saying.

Jin: When Soobin said Mr Boogie. He was talking about Bughuul.

Jungkook: How does he know about this?

Jin: I dont know.

Me: He's been acting strange in the past few days too.

Namjoon: I think he knows a lot.

Yoongi: I'm damn sure he does.

Taehyung: Hey guys. I just noticed that we haven't watched Lawn Work yet.

Jimin: Yeah you're right. We haven't watched the last tape yet.

Hoseok: So should we watch it? I mean its daylight and the kids are at school.

Yoongi: Not a bad idea.

Namjoon: Okay. Then let's watch it.

Jimin: I hope it doesnt have gore in it.

Jin: Yeah I really hope.

We all drew the curtains and turned off the light. Then we set up the gyroscope. Namjoon put up the screen. It was a little dark in the room. But atleast it was dark enough to watch the film.

Jin: Let's play it.

Namjoon: Okay.

A few moments later:

Hoseok: *blergh*

Yoongi: Oh my God!! *blargh*

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