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Namjoon POV:

We arrived at the place where Bughuul was hiding with its victims.

Me: Quietly guys. And remember the plan.

We walked inside the room which belonged to Bughuul. I brought my hand up to cover my nose from the strong stench.

Hoseok: My goodness it stinks in here.

Jackson: Let's not get distracted now.

In the corner I saw Taemin, Taejin and Soobin tied up while they were unconscious on the floor. On the other side of the room were tall glass boxes. Inside them were all the missing kids. They too were unconscious.

Whispers were heard loudly.

In the middle of the room sat Bughuul on his knees beside a casket. And inside the casket was.....

Jungkook: Luna.

Me: ssshhhh.

Jungkook: Sorry.

I looked at the map.

Namjoon: The chamber where the dagger is kept is in here. That means in that room beside the glass boxes.

I closed the map.

Namjoon: Jin hyung and the rest of you guys will corner Bughuul and start attacking him first. Then Hoseok, Afifa and Taehyung will free the kids. I will hurriedly go into that room and retrieve the dagger.

Raven: I'll go first.





Bughuul: *inhuman screams*

Namjoon: ATTACK!

Yoongi: STUPEFY!!

I saw how Bughuul kept shrieking in pain as the rest attacked him. We were weakening it.

Namjoon: Its working. You guys go now.

Taehyung: Okay hyung. Take care.

I nodded in response. Taehyung, Hoseok and Afifa went around the fight ducking themselves and towards the kids. Taehyung went towards Luna and Hoseok and Afifa went towards Taemin, Taejin and Soobin.

Namjoon: Let's go Namjoon.

I walked into the room. They were all injuring Bughuul. But I knew that those weapons wont kill it. The only weapon that can destroy Bughuul is situated in that room.

I walked at the glass boxes.

Me: Dont worry you guys. I will free you six too. I promise.

I went into the room. Even though it was dark in here, I could still see the golden dagger shining in its glass box on a tall table.

Me: There you are.

I went towards it. I opened the glass box. I hesitated for a moment then picked up the dagger.

Me: Wow. It actually worked.

Author POV:

Namjoon ran outside the room with the dagger in his hand. He walked past the glass boxes, not knowing that the kids were yelling something to him.

Namjoon POV:

Me: Guys I got it!

Yoongi: Dude even the Avada Kedavra spell doesnt work on it! AND THATS A KILLING CURSE!!

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