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The Next Morning:

Hoseok POV:




Oh boy! What the hell happened?

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Oh boy! What the hell happened?

I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling above me. I was laying on a bed. I looked at my left to see a heart beating monitor. But God my head hurts like hell.

Me: *groan*.

Taehyung: Guys he's awake!

Namjoon: Dont shout Taehyung.

Yoongi: Jungkook go and call the doctor.

Jungkook: Ok hyung.

I saw Jungkook dash out of the room.

Me: Where am I?

Yoongi: You're in the hospital Hobi.

Me: My head hurts.

I touched my forehead. A strong bandage was wrapped around it.

Jin: Hobi?

Me: Yes hyung.

Jin: We found you in the basement this morning. You were unconscious in there. But thankfully you weren't bleeding.

Me: Oh man.

Jimin: We want to ask you many things right now Hobi hyung. But its better if you get well first.

Me: I wish to tell you guys many things too but I dont think I can.

Namjoon: That's why you need to rest.

Jungkook: I'm here with the doctor.

Jungkook came in and following behind him was the doctor who also came in with a worried expression. I was shook when I saw him.

Me: Hyungwon!?

Me: Hyungwon!?

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