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Jimin POV:

Did I really just teleport from that cursed house till here? Yep. I did.

Me: Hey Raven are you okay?

Raven: Ugh. Yeah I'm fine. But my head hurts.

Me: Yeah mine too.

Raven: Jimin oppa. Where are we?

Me: I dont know Raven. But it looks like we are on the other side.

Raven: And stuck in a room that only has a sink in it. Let's search for the door.

Jimin: I dont think there's one. All I see are plane grey walls. Two huge vents and-

Raven: Windows!

Raven pointed at a big window on a wall. Good news is that we can get out from there. But the bad news is how? Because the window was really high and was touching the ceiling.

Me: We cant even climb the wall to go up there. They are too wet.

I would've made a dirty joke but now wasnt the time.

Raven: Even the vents wont help. Our bodies wont fit the narrow space between them.



Raven: AAARGH!!



*tap tap tap*

Our attention went straight towards the window. There was a figure standing behind the mirror holding a mic. I squinted my eyes to see better. It was the Pool Party kid!

???: H-Hello. Can you guys hear me?

Raven: Yes we can hear you.

???: Good.

Me: What do you want from us huh!? Why cant you all leave us alone!!?

My sudden outburst scared Raven. But she came to me and tried to calm me down.

???: Its not me. It's not us. Its him.

Raven: Bughuul?

???: Yes. He wont let us go. He wont let any of us go.

My face paled when I saw a tall figure standing behind the kid. It was Bughuul. The kid started to weep a little.

Raven: Oh my.

I saw Bughuul lifting up his hand which a dagger of some sort. A red stone glowed brightly at its end. The kid closed his eyes like he knew what was coming.

To my horror, Bughuul pressed that dagger onto the kid's bare shoulder. The blade pierced harshly. Blood oozed out from there. The kid tried controlling his tears but it wasnt working. Slowly, he started to cut the boy. Slowly. And slowly. He brought the dagger from his shoulder to his elbow. The dagger kept glowing. It was absorbing some kind of energy.

Raven: Its torturing him.

I felt sorry for him.

???: I have no choice you see.

His voice sounded shaky in the mic.

???: I'm sorry.

Me: I forgive you for what you are about to do.

Raven: I forgive you too.

The boy pressed a button on the counter.


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