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The next day:

The Police station:

Namjoon POV:

I kept searching for the symbol on the internet. I searched every website and every search engine but there wasnt even a single picture or mark that would match the symbol in the photos. By the time I kept searching my brain started hurting from all the stress. I didnt even get to sleep properly last night after what had happened to Taejin.

I thought about going home and taking some rest so I closed the computer and exited the Police station.

Author POV:

Taehyung was sitting on a chair in the makeup room where the stylist was setting his hair for his photo shoot.

He was staring into space with a confused and scared look. After dreaming about himself drowning last night he couldn't sleep at all. No wonder why he woke up with dark rings under his eyes.

Exhaustion was filled in his eyes. He wanted to sleep but was afraid that he would dream about himself drowning again. But what scared him more was, what if he actually drowned in reality?

Those negative thoughts made his skin turn cold. He rubbed his sweaty palms together trying really hard not to get himself a full blown panic attack.

Stylist noona: Sir your set is ready.

Taehyung: Okay.

Raven POV:

Something felt really odd. Even though I cant seem to see it but I can definitely feel it. Even Jungkook did.

Ever since we entered that house, weird things have been happening. First Namjoon found those tapes in the attic which showed the killer killing the families and kidnapping their child. Second, Yoongi saw the lost kid from the BBQ tape. Third, Soobin started acting weird and then so on.

So far nothing has happened to me, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. But my gut feeling is telling me that something terrible is about to happen.

Now here we are in the library, skipping classes looking for the symbol that would slightly match in the books. But guess what. We found nothing. Empty handed again. It feels like as if we are going in circles. Every time we watch a new tape, one question always comes into my mind. Where the hell did their goddamn child go?

Jungkook looked very tired. Even I did. Can I just give up?

Jungkook: *sigh* Nope. Found nothing. Did you find anything Raven?

Me: No. I didnt.

Jungkook: Darn it! What are we missing?

Me: I dont know. But what I do know that we will be getting detention tomorrow.

Jungkook: Why do even have detentions in university? What university has that?

Me: I guess our university is superior.

Jungkook: *groan* Mrs Montague is so gonna kill me.

Me: I feel you dude.

Namjoon POV:

Jin: What is this Taemin!? Huh! Why did you draw that!?

Great. Just great. The first thing that I didnt wanted to hear was Jin hyung's angry rapping. Guess fate decided something different for me.

Me: Hyung what happened? Why are you yelling at Taemin? Oh hey Taehyung. You're home early.

Taehyung: My shoot ended earlier.

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