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Jungkook POV:

Me: Hey I see light again! But it's on the floor.

I started walking towards the light. I stopped. I bent down and looked through it.

Me: It feels like I'm looking through the ceiling

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Me: It feels like I'm looking through the ceiling.

Two people were standing by a sink inside the room. They then looked up at my direction.

Me: Oh my God its Jimin hyung and Raven!

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Me: Oh my God its Jimin hyung and Raven!

???: Calm down man.

Me: Sorry. Hmmmmmm.

???: What?

Me: The room looks odd though.

???: Can you describe it to me?

Me: Well first, that room doesnt have any doors and second, there are huge vents on the back wall of the room. Not to mention a sink attached to the wall.

???: Oh no.

Me: What?


Me: Why!?

???: JUST RUN!

I immediately got up and started running.

???: Faster!!

Me: But what's wrong!?

???: Your friends are going to drown in that room!!!

Taehyung POV:

I felt dizzy. I lifted both of my hands and held my head. The fall really did bust me up.

Me: What is this place?

I stood up and looked around. On both sides of the walls on my left and right, there were a series of phones attached to the walls.

Me: Strange.

I turned around to see the front wall with some words written on it. The wall was scratched harshly and the paint peeled off.

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