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9 years later....

Author POV:

He walked down the path looking for the outdoor restaurant his friends invited him too.

It has been 9 years.

9 years.

Since we've seen eachother.

He thought while searching for the location of the restaurant.

Jimin: Found it!

Persona Palace

That was the name of the restaurant.

Jimin: Guys!

They turned around. Looking at Jimin brought a huge smile on their faces.

Taehyung: Jimin-ah!

Jungkook: Shortie you're here!

Jimin: Really Jungkook? After 9 damn years? 😑

Jungkook: 😅

Yoongi: Yo can you guys just shutup for once?

Jimin: Hyung!

Yoongi: Oh hey little mochi.

Raven: Yah oppa!

Namjoon: Good to see you Jimin.

Hoseok got up in a rush and back hugged Jimin tightly. Later Taehyung and Jungkook came in too.

Yoongi: Just so you know I ain't doin that shit.

Hoseok: Jimin we missed you so much.

Jimin: Bitch I missed every single one of you!

Afifa: Nice to meet you oppa.

Jimin: You too Fifi. But am I late to the party?

Namjoon: Jin hyung didnt came yet so you are not late.

Jimin: Where is he by the way?

Jin: Right here.

They all turned around in unison to see Jin standing by an umbrella with his hands in his pockets.

Jin: Good to see you rats.

All of them: JIN!!

They all ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Jin: Yah back off you guys are going to kill me!

Luna: Hey we are joining too.

Taemin: Their ain't no hugs without us!

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Taemin: Their ain't no hugs without us!

Taemin: Their ain't no hugs without us!

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