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Namjoon: When and where did this box come from?

Namjoon sighed. He didn't knew where this strange box appeared from. He thought that it might be the members have placed it in here while he was putting the boxes in the attic. But he thought for a second and remembered that none of the members owned this box. But kept thinking for a moment that he might had not noticed the members bringing this since he was busy reading the case file while the members were putting their belongings in the trunk.

Namjoon: Then it must belong to one of the members. I will put this back here once I ask who it belongs to.

Namjoon then picked up the movies box not daring to look whats inside.


But he didnt knew that this box was actually a present from someone special. And that someone special was sitting on a tree in the backyard watching them. But its eyes were mostly on Luna.


Namjoon: He guys I want to ask something.

Hoseok: Well go ahead Namjoon.

Namjoon: Who does this belong too?

Silence suddenly fell among the members not knowing to who the hell does this mysterious box belongs too.

Namjoon: Ummmm Isnt this movies box one of yours?

Jungkook: Movies box?

Namjoon: Yeah movies box.

Jungkook: Well I do remember that I had bought a bunch of movies along with me but I had placed them all in the shelf.

Namjoon: So that means that this isnt yours.

Jungkook: Theoretically yes.

Namjoon: Okay so anyone besides Jungkook?

Jin: Well none of us brought movies with us, so yeah, not ours.

Namjoon: Well thats strange.

Taehyung: Why is it strange hyung?

Namjoon: When I went to put the boxes in the attic, this movies box just showed up out of no where so I thought that it might belong to one of you guys but seeing that it doesnt belong to none of you so I was wondering, who the hell put put it in the attic then?

Yoongi: Well I think that it belongs to the previous owners that used to live here.

Namjoon: Hmmmmm I think you are right hyung.

Soobin: Hey hyung can we watch those movies? Please.

Taemin: Yeah hyung pleeeeeaaaaase.

Jin: No! No ones watching anything on those movies! Now scram you ungrateful rats!!

Taemin and Soobin sighed in frustration as they went back doing what they were doing. Suddenly the door bell rang.

Namjoon: I'll go get it.

Namjoon went to the door and opened it. When he saw the person standing infront of him, a huge dimple smile formed on his face.

Jackson: Hey Namjoon how is everything going?

Namjoon: Well its going great right now. I'm still working on the case. What about you?

Jackson: Oh just the usual you know checking the neighborhood.

Namjoon: Oh right well good luck there bro.

Jackson: Thanks man. Hey Namjoon! If you need any sort of help regarding the case or anything else then feel free to contact me.

Namjoon: Thanks for the offer Jackson. I really appreciate it.

Jackson: Well I would do anything or you pal. Well I gotta go now. See you soon bud. Bye!

Namjoon: Bye Jackson!

And with that Jackson left and Namjoon went inside the house. Namjoon saw that the everyone in the house were suiting up so he thought about asking why they were getting ready.

Namjoon: Guys are going some where?

Jin: Well you know that I have to go to the restaursant.

Yoongi: PD-nim called. He said he wanted to talk about my new album.

Jimin: Well me and hyung are going to the dance school and the kids are coming with us. YO! YOU GUYS READY?!

Twins: YEAH!!

Soobin: YES BABY!!

Luna: YES I AM!!!

Hoseok: Well than what are you waiting for? LETS GO!!!

Namjoon's eyes sparkled while looking at the little children as they ran to sit in the car with Hoseok and Jimin. Meanwhile, Yoongi was waiting for Taehyung to arrive.

Yoongi: Yah! How much fucking long does it take to wear a scarf huh!!!!

Taehyung: I'm coming hyung!!

Namjoon: Woah where are you off to?

Taehyung: Well you remembered my photoshoot right? So thats where I'm going.

Namjoon: Oh yeah right.

Taehyung then ran out as he sat in the car with Yoongi. Yoongi however, was cussing at him for making him late. Namjoon saw that the car had drove off. Then he heard someone running downstairs.

Namjoon: Where are you guys going now?

Raven: Well we are going to the library.

Namjoon: Why?

Jungkook: Well Madame Montague said that she is going to take extra classes for us since we arent good at french, so yeah.

Namjoon: Ok then be careful on your way.

Jungkook: Dont worry hyung we will be fine. Bye!

Namjoon: Take care.

Namjoon said as they both went out. But then Raven stopped in her tracks.

Raven: Oh by the way Namjoon we are going to watch those movies together at night after the kids are asleep. We'll see whats on those movies.

What will be on those movies?

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