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Jimin POV:

Me and Hoseok hyung were busy with dance class.

I was teaching some disco moves to the kids. But then my legs got tired. Hobi hyung motioned me to sit down and take some rest.

I sat down in the corner of the dance room as hyung kept teaching the students.

Luna, Taejin and Taemin looked happy and excited. Atleast Luna ain't scared now. She looked happy. Thank God she doesn't remember the nightmare from last night.

Everyone was having fun except for Soobin. He sat far away from everyone. I have been noticing since morning that he looked rather disturbed. He has been sweating a lot even though he didnt even bother to get and dance for once.

I thought I should queue him like a good reliable hyung. So I got up and went towards him. I sat right next to him.

Me: Hey bud. Is everything alright?

Soobin: Huh? Oh-um-uh y-yeah everything is fine. Everything is okay. Why is something wrong?

Me: You dont look so good right now.

Soobin: What do you mean hyung? I look fine.


Me: You know if something is bothering you then you can tell me.

Soobin: No No hyung! Nothing is bothering me.

Lying again.

Me: You sure about that? You have been looking really disturbed since morning.

Soobin: I'm fine hyung. No need to worry.
It's just that I'm tired and I miss home that's why.

He is still lying.

Soobin: You know what hyung, I'm just gonna go and dance with the others.

Then he got up and left to join the crowd.

I know something is up with you Soobin. You are really bad at lying. I hope you open up to us and tell us what's wrong.

With that I got up and joined Hobi hyung resuming the class.

Soobin POV:

Did Jimin hyung notice?

Did I make it look that obvious?

Was I looking suspicious?

While I was dance practicing, I looked in the mirror of the dance room. My eyes widened in horror as my breath hitched in my throat.

She was standing there with a dirty baby blue dress right next to Luna. A creepy smile spread across her face as she stared me with her dark dead eyes.

I see you.

Who is the "she"?
Is Soobin hiding something?
Will he tell his family what he is hiding?
Comment me your answers and theories.

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