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I changed the cast of the story so if you want then you can check it out. It will help you understand the story more.


Namjoon POV:

Confusion? Yes. That's what I was feeling right now. It's good that I'm alone in the house right now or else I would've lost my mind. I was sitting in the kitchen counter with a cup of black coffee in my hands, thinking about what I just heard from Mark. I rubbed my temples.

Namjoon get yourself together. There is no such thing as demons or ghosts. It's all human fantasy stuff. Nothing like this exists.

But what was this weird feeling inside me? I couldn't tell. Was it fear? Or was it the stress of the case that was getting me? I'm pretty damn sure its stress. But something inside me was telling that I'm missing a clue.

To find out that clue, I brought out my laptop and searched for the murder case that happened in 2005. There were many articles written about on this case.

They were drilled from the roofs of their mouths so that the drill would create a hole straight into their brains.

I couldn't even bother reading it more let alone see the pictures of the victims. It was that horrible to watch. Just by seeing it, I started to gag. I closed that article quickly. Then I did a quick search.

The detective who was signed to the murder case of 2005.

I saw the pictures of the detective, but when I looked closely, I recognized him. That was Mr. Wang. He was Jackson's father. He died from brain cancer in 2012. I remember being at his funeral too. But I did not knew that he was assigned to this case.

Now I was more confused. If Mr. Wang knew about this case then that means Jackson knows of it too. But then why didnt he tell me? As I was scrolling through the old photos of Mr Wang checking the bodies and all, I came across a photo of him with his wife Mrs Wang, Jackson and a little girl. I think thats Afifa. I looked closely at her. There was something about her that I couldn't figure out. She sort of resembles someone I've seen. But I cant remember who.

Then it clicked in my mind. I opened a new tab and searched for the family that was killed in 2005. I scrolled till I found the picture. I knew it! I knew I remembered her from somewhere. Turns out, Afifa was Lee Y/N, the daughter of the family that was murdered.

I was shocked. I had no words. The police said that they couldn't find her anymore and assumed that she was dead. But then how did Mr Wang find her? And if he did then, why keep her as a secret from the police investigators? I had no choice but to call Jackson. I need straight answers.

Me: Hello Jackson.

Jackson: Hey Joon. How you doin man?

Me: I'm doing great. In fact I'm doing just fine. Hope I didnt disturb you.

Jackson: Namjoon? What's wrong?

Me: What's wrong!? Oh you tell me what's wrong!

Jackson: Namjoon I cant understand what you are trying to say.

Me: Why didnt you tell me?

Jackson: Tell you what?

Me: Stop playing around. You are very well known what I am talking about.

Jackson: Seriously Namjoon. What's gotten into you?

Me: The murder. That happened in 2005. Why didnt you tell me about it?

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