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Yoongi POV:

Director: And Cut!
Ok everyone let's take a break!
Great job Yoongi!

Me: Thanks man.

I saw as everyone dispersed here and there. Taking a break for an hour since we have been shooting the music video all day.

I sat on a chair as I drank some water from my bottle. Beads of sweat were running down my forehead as I raked my hair back with my hand.

I picked up my phone to look at the time.

5:05 PM it read.

Wow! Time sure flies fast when you are working.

We still have to do the final scene of the music video.

I really hope my fans love the song.

I added every single thing in the music video that would make them happy.

I even practiced sword dancing for my lovely fans.

Maybe I should surprise.

By releasing my song "D-2 Daechwita" out of nowhere.

Oh I would love to see their reactions.

I wonder how my fans would react to this.

I really want to see the fans reactions to my song but mostly I want to see Tae's reaction on this.

He's gonna go crazy.

Low-key kinda cute though.

His reactions to things always makes my day.

I sat quietly as I looked here and there.

There was nothing to do and I was getting bored now. A good sleep would have been better. But I didn't felt like sleeping too.

Heck I'm not even hungry at this point.

Me: Director-nim.

Director: Yes Yoongi.

I'm just gonna go outside at the baskets court. Okay? I'll be back before the shooting starts.

Director: Okay. As you wish Yoongi.
Just dont get noticed by fans.

Me: Dont worry I promise.

The director gave me a smile as I ran towards my styling room.

I wore my jacket, my cap and my black mask so that my fans wont notice me.

I grabbed my car keys on the way. I sat in my car as I drove off to the direction where the basketball court was.

I arrived there later. I parked my car and got out. I went inside the court.

This place always makes me feel happy and lively. I remember when I used to play basketball with my hyung when we were kids.

But my hyung lives abroad now. Only the memory of playing basket with him in this court keeps me alive now.

I saw some kids playing in the parks surrounding the court. Good thing no one noticed me.

I was busy staring at the children playing when something hit me on the side of my right foot.

I looked down and I saw a dirty old basketball beside my feet. I picked it up and examined it.

Then seconds later I heard trotting sounds. I looked up front to see a boy running towards me. He stopped in his tracks as he stared at me.

I stared back at him. Did he recognize me?

Me: Hey kid. Do you know who I am?

He didnt responded but kept staring at me. Then I noticed that he looked kinda weird.

He was wearing a brown shirt with khaki shorts. They looked old, dirty and ragged along with his boots. His hair curled up, muddy and messed. How long has it been since he bathed? His body looked frail and thin while his skin looked pale as if he hadn't eaten any food for years. Even his eyes didn't look lively. They looked like as if it was dead inside.

He looked like a dead body who just dug out from his grave. His stares started sending me weird chills in my body.

Me: Here kid. I believe this is yours.

I reached forward as I handed him the ball. When he stretched his arms out to grab it, his hand touched mine.

It was so cold. So cold that it made me shiver on that very hot day.

I turned around to walk towards my car ignoring his eerie stares. When I looked back to see where he was, he was gone. Disappeared out of sight.

I gulped as I sat in my car and quickly drove back to the agency.

Who was that boy?
An unexpected visitor?

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