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At night:

Jungkook POV:

We were all having dinner right now. The kids were sitting infront of the TV and having a very serious conversation about anime. All except for Soobin who was just sitting there listen to them. While the 8 of us were just sitting in the dining in silence. No one dared to speak a word. Not until....

Taejin: Oppa we're done.

Taehyung: Okay then why dont you guys go to bed now huh. And sleep early.

Taemin: Okay hyung.

Me: Good night Luna.

Luna: Nighty oppa.

Is Luna okay? Why was her smile so creepy? And she even looked pale. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Soobin was about to go to when he turned around and gave us an apologetic look. Then he went to his room. I knew what he wanted to say and I can also tell that hyungs now about it too. After they left it was just us in the room. We all got up and went in the living room to have some coke before sleep.

Yoongi: Guys I have to tell you something.

Jin: What is it Yoongi?

Yoongi looked really scared. He looked pale and terrified of something. We were all waiting for him to tell us what it was.

Namjoon: Yoongi hyung? What is it?

Hoseok: Yoongi hyung it's okay to tell us.

Yoongi: I dont know how to say this.

Jimin: Whatever it is hyung we can handle it.

Yoongi: I know you guys can but I dont think Jungkook can.

Me: What do you mean hyung?

I was feeling scared now. Whatever it was I know it wasnt good.

Raven: Oppa please tell us.

Yoongi: It- it wants Luna.

Namjoon: It wants what?

Yoongi: Bughuul wants Luna. He fucking wants Luna!

Me: What!?

Yoongi: I'm so sorry Jungkook.

Me: But why her!!?

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was holding them back.

Hoseok: Why does that thing want Luna?

Yoongi: I dont know.

Jimin: Young souls.

Jin: What?

Jimin: It takes young souls remember?

Jin: Oh my. That must be the reason.

Me: No no no no no no.

I was crying now. I was crying harder.

Hoseok: We have to get out of this house now.

Raven: I dont think that can happen.

Namjoon: Why is that Raven?

Raven: Me and Jungkook met Afifa today. She told us that once it sets its target, it will get his target at any cost.

Taehyung: Oh God! Can we kill it?

Raven: We cant. Even holy things wont work on it.

Me: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Jin: Jungkook calm down

Me: How the fuck am I supposed to calm down! That thing is after her now and there is nothing we can do!!

Hoseok: There must be something we can do. Everything has a weakness. I believe this thing has one too. We just need to find out what it is.

Jimin: Hyung is right. If we could find its weakness then maybe we could defeat it.

Namjoon: That's right. I'm gonna visit Mark tomorrow with Jackson to find this things weakness.

Me: Please do hyung. I dont want anything to happen to Luna.

Namjoon: I promise you Kookie. Now let's all get a good night's sleep and wish for the best.

Me: Okay hyung.

We all parted and went to our rooms. Meanwhile, I went into Luna's room to sleep with her. I will protect you Luna. Even if it means sacrificing my life.

2:30 AM

Hoseok POV:

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly light flashed on my face. Then it went out with a click.

Someone is in my room.

I got up and turned on the lamp. I saw no one in my room. The door of my room was wide open. That means someone did came here.

*tap tap tap tap tap*

I heard footsteps. There was someone outside. I wasnt gonna let fear get me this time. I know I'm the most coward one in the group but this time, I have to be brave. I got up and grabbed the baseball bat beside my bed. I tiptoed outside.

The hall was empty. But I could hear hoarse breathing sounds. My heart was pounding in my chest. My shirt felt wet from the sweat. I knew I was panicking but I have to keep it together.

I took another turn in the hallway which led to the living room. It was dark but my flashlight gave enough light for me to see. I quietly tiptoed. Suddenly I saw something in the living room. I panicked again but I kept it in. I took closer steps seeing what it was. I was getting closer.

I saw it.

Me: What the- Its just a scorpion Hobi. *sigh*

Then realization hit me like a truck.

Me: Wait scorpion!?

I turned around.....



Me: Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Oh my God!

I was holding onto the floor for dear life. My legs dangled. I was about to fall. Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt. It was pulling me down. Then I felt another hard tug.

Me: Oh shit!!

My grip on the floor started to loosen. Another hard tug. I was on the verge on falling.

Me: No no no!!

Another hard tug and I was falling down.


I was falling deeper. Soon I was gonna hit the basement. I braced for impact.


My forehead hit one of the metal pipes and I became unconscious. Lastly my unconscious body hit the basement floor.



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