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Raven POV:

Afifa: I think I should go. I just remembered that I had something important to do.

Jungkook: But-but you just came. You cant go. What about the project?

Afifa: Its okay Koo. We can do it some other time. May-Maybe in th-th-the cafe or-or the li-lib-library.

She grabbed her stuff quickly as she dashed out of the house slamming the door shut behind her while me and Jungkook stood there dumbfounded with hot cocoa and cookies in our hands.

Jungkook looked hurt while I was just standing there wondering what the hell just happened.

She was happy and excited to come to the house a few minutes ago and now she just ran out as if someone was chasing her.

Jungkook: Raven? What did I do? Did I do something bad or said something that offended her and made her leave?

Kook asked me with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Me: No Kookie! You didnt say anything.
Maybe she's just tired and doesn't feel good.
Or maybe she really does have something important to do.
Dont feel guilty Kook you didn't do anything.

He nodded at my response. It looked like he agreed with my statement. But I can still see a little sadness in his eyes.

Me: Tell you what Kook. How about we get a head start. That way we can finish the project quickly and we wont feel stressed. Even Afifa will be fine with it.

Jungkook: Great idea Rae Rae! Let's get it!

Me: That's my Kook!

We both skidded across the living room as we sat down in the dining room.

We were now doing the project while drinking cocoa and eating cookies.

But during the project I kept getting this strange uneasy feeling.

The feeling felt eerie.

As if someone was watching me from the back with a piercing gaze.

I looked back, only to see the view of the backyard through the window.

Jungkook: Is something wrong Rae Rae?

Me: No! Its-uh-um it's nothing.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he looked at me with a concerned face.

Did I look that suspicious?

Jungkook: Okay.

He shrugged it off as he went back to work as well as me.

Maybe I was just hallucinating. Or the sweetness of chocolate got into my brain.

But no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I'm just imagining things, I still felt like as if someone was watching me.

Chills kept running down my spine.

Author POV:

The figure stood behind the tree in the backyard as he kept staring piercingly at the two.

A crazy wide hideous grin stretched across his as he kept staring at them.

Time to have some fun now.
Shall we?

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