Forty four : Realisation

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Some faint noises and sounds makes taehyung jerk awake, eyes flung so wide which take in every ray of light to make the surrounding more crisp in his view.


Hearing the soft voice, taehyung slowly turns his head to the side, seeing his friend having a soft smile on his face.

"Chimmy?" He whispers in a flat weak voice while trying to sit up which jimin helps him and makes him lean on the headboard comfortably and sat beside him on the bed.

"How are you feeling now, hm?" Jimin asks in a gentle voice while tucking some strands of taehyung's hair to back of his ear.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung queries instead of replying him that he's feeling like his head is gonna explode in ache and his heart is sank so heavy.

Though taehyung didn't answer, taehyung's bloodshot eyes, the swelling around his eyes and general puffiness in the face was enough for jimin to know he's feeling no better. Moreover the nasal pitchy voice of taehyung made him know his nose is stuffy.

Jimin smiles and grabs the glass of water from the nightstand, "i would've smacked jungkook so hard if he didn't informed us about your fainted state."

Apparently jungkook was so panicked upon seeing taehyung's unconscious state and his first instincts was to call the doctor home and then informing yoongi in a haste which made the older rush here with his husband.

Taehyung looks down, eyes gazing at his fidgeting fingers while he carelessly takes the glass of water which jimin offered and gulp it down quick as he felt to moisten his sore throat.

"I was just tired." He mumbles lowly, placing the empty glass back to the table.

Jimin chuckles at his lie, "Yeah of course after so much crying and screaming, doctor said it's your stress that made you unconscious."

Taehyung chews on his bottom lip, embarrassed for defending himself as he knows jungkook must've told him everything.

It was the extreme fright, pain and anxiety that caused his blood pressure to drop and make him pass out in the middle of his emotional stress and the significant crying.

"You caused yourself a slight fever too." Jimin added with defeated sigh.

Taehyung puckered his lips, "Where's jungkook?"

"He left to the hall a minute ago. He didn't wanted to but i insisted him to eat something." Jimin chuckle as he remembers how hard he tried to move jungkook from leaving taehyung's side.

"Is yoongi hyung here too?" Taehyung asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, he's with jungmin i guess."

"I bothered him--"

"Okay stop right there" Jimin interrupts him quickly.

He notices taehyung's nervousness which was making him feel strange as they don't really have that thing in between them.

"Want me to call jungkook?" Jimin's voice laced with a slight sadness on thinking taehyung is uncomfortable with him which wasn't true.

If taehyung needed someone at this moment of his distress time, then it was obviously his best friend.

Taehyung shakes his head in no, biting his lips and lowering his head as to hide the brimming up tears in his eyes.

"I'll be very disappointed if you chose not to tell me the problem you're stressing with. You know there's a rule that we don't have secret--" Jimin stops as he hears the faint whimpers from taehyung.

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