Fifty seven : Pressure

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Everything was just the same as three days ago. Taehyung was completely ignoring jungkook's presence, acting as if he was invisible just like he said. Jungkook did try ways to initiate a conversation but taehyung took no notice of his attempts.

It would be lie if said that jungkook's mental condition got worse or was the same. His distress and pain was either forgotten or soothed by his five year old son.

All thanks to the little one who's adorable babbles and plays always keep jungkook engaged to forget about his miseries. He, in a way, always stick around jungmin as being alone makes him feel worse. He needed the presence of his son.

Jungkook felt thankful knowing jungmin was having his summer vacations which allows him stay with the boy all the time—playing and drawing random things was their daily routine.

At times jungkook makes him study which the boy very joyfully does as his bunny uncle knows ways to even make the boring lessons interesting.

Night was something jungkook started fearing. He suffered at the dark loneliness surrounding his room, the pain in recalling the sweet moments he had with taehyung within his room was something so painful to look back.

He'd try his best to muffle his cries but at some point he couldn't endure it all and lets out a scream between his wrenching sobs. Sleep doesn't visit him easily, he begged for it show up and end the suffering but all happens was him drowning in his own guilty tears.

Sometimes when jungmin dozes off at daytime, he would just sit besides the boy. Staring at his adorable son for hours till the boy wakes up. He didn't wanted to go back to his room and let the loneliness swallow a part of his soul.

It did went noticeable by taehyung as it clearly seemed as jungkook waiting for the boy to wake up and play with him again.

He couldn't understand how and why jungkook was able to sit still for hours with a blank face. It would've been easy for him to understand if he knew jungkook was having depression. But that wasn't the case here.

Taehyung was in a way feeling better than before, time was healing him slowly as he didn't shed tears in these last three days, his emotions were neutral--neither sad nor joyful.

It didn't change any of his emotions towards jungkook—his doubt and distrust on jungkook will always persist until he doesn't get reasons to believe it the other way. He wasn't allowing jungkook to give any of such reasons, was clearly blocking him away.

"She is pwretty"

Jungkook chuckles at the boy's comment, pulling jungmin more closer to chest as he's seated on his lap. He pecks his head while agreeing, "Yeah, she is."

They are watching the animation movie, incredibles and jungmin seems to admire the elastigirl a lot. While taehyung is carelessly placing the fresh rose flowers he plucked from his garden to the flower vase.

"And stwong" Jungmin adds, eyes glued on the tv.

Jungkook shakes his head at the slight wrong pronunciation of the boy, there's a substitute of a sound 'w' for the letter R.

"Yes...STRONG"  He elucidates the word properly.

Jungmin didn't bother to concentrate on his bunny uncle and mindlessly watched the movie.

Jungkook sighed and picked up the boy, swiftly turning him and making the boy sit on his lap while facing him.

Jungmin whines at the disturbance during his movie but soon frowns at the demand of his bunny uncle, "Say S-T-R-O-N-G"

Confused already, the boy repeats. "Stwong"

Jungkook shakes his head, "Focus on R... S-T-R-O-N-G"

A pouts adorns the boy's face as he tries again, "stwong!"

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