Thirty six : Unsaid

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Taehyung laid the boy gently to the bed, tucking the comforter up to his chest and kissing his forehead before mumbling, "You had your first birthday with your dada"

He turned around, frowning when he saw bogum standing near the door with his hands stuffed on his pockets.

"Bogum hyung"

"I hope you remember the reason why it was his first birthday with jungkook" Bogum's voice was stern.

Taehyung sighs, "I know you're upset with me hyung and i'm really sorry for that"

"I didn't know jungkook would behav--"

Bogum steps in to the room, "No no...i'm not upset tae. I was going to say something which shouldn't be said out loud before him, isn't it?"

Taehyung purses his lips, he could hear the glum in his voice. Bogum's eyes softens as he speaks in a low tone, "i wish i could do something to pull you back"

A huge bile formed in taehyung's throat, he hung his head low as bogum made his way closer to him.

Bogum's fingers brush along the hand of taehyung. "To change your mind, to save you from the pain"

Taehyung felt a pang as bogum said, "But i can't save the one who doesn't want to be saved"


"I know jungkook is getting attracted to you... you might've noticed that too." Bogum didn't look into his eyes.

He knows in his eyes lies the answer of everything. The emotion which tells he still loves jungkook, just as deeply as before.

Biting his lower lip, taehyung shut his stinging eyes for a moment. He did notice jungkook's attraction towards him, he noticed it all and a part of him loved it too.

"And you definitely know it's just timely." Bogum's voice makes him flutter his eyes open.

Taehyung nodded his head, not able to voice it out—i know.

"It's just a repeating cycle, tae. He'll do everything just the same as before. Including the one of leaving you alone for someone else"

Why is it always a ten fold more painful to hear it when he already have the same thoughts looming in his mind.

Taehyung shuddered, "Hyung--"

Bogum could see the glossiness in taehyung's eyes, he held his hand tightly and spoke in a begging voice, "please don't do this tae. Please don't do this to yourself"

Taehyung frantically shook his head, "I can't—i told you i can't"

"You can, you just don't want to" Bogum nearly shouts.

"Yes! Yes i don't want to make him suffer!" Taehyung gritts out, "i won't be with him once he gets back his memories"

He pulls his hand back from bogum in a flinch, "I know this all is timely! I know it all, hyung"

Bogum's eyes narrowed, "What about you then? You're clearly getting attached to this, just by how you look at him makes me know how much of your emotions are put in this temporary life."

Taehyung fights through the blur in his eyes, "I will be okay, stop worrying about me—"

"I CAN'T STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOU" Bogum shouted, holding his shoulders firmly and pinning him against the wall.

Taehyung whimpered, tears escaping through his eyes as he weakly holds bogum's chest, feeling the galloping of his heart against his palm.

Bogum tries to steady his raging breathes, head lowering slowly as he whispers, "I can't, i can't when i...when i love you"

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