Fifteen : Shattered

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"No no no... He can't leave me! He said he won't leave me...He loves me! HE CAN'T LEAVE ME!" Jungkook screams frantically, his bloodshot eyes bulging madly.

Lisa flinches alarmingly when jungkook shatters the things arranged on the table to the marbled floor. Her pulse quickened at his violent behavior, have always seen him calm and composed.

"Jungkook?" She weakly calls, shuddering to approach him.

A yelp erupted from her quivering lips when jungkook started yelling and screaming insanely. Her legs were staggering back cautiously in fright.

His eyes fall on the bag and he was quick to crush it with his shoe, groaning as he lets out his anger on the cake by smashing it away with a frustrated kick.

"HE CAN'T! NO! HE CAN'T LEAVE ME!" He was then tumbling to the floor, his fist banging on the marble hardly enough to cause pain to his knuckles.

"Jungkook...stop...please" Lisa whimpers, covering her ears and eyes pressed shut. "you're scaring me... please"

Her feeble voice was infuriating to jungkook as he hurled a chair to her direction, passing by her in a small distance but was enough to make lisa shriek and get the hint to remain silent.

She covers her mouth, tears escaping through her eyes as she contains the cries within. Her cautious eyes watching jungkook who's mumbling incoherently which she couldn't decipher.

It seemed like he had completely lost his mind, murmuring and groaning. His appearance was totally disheveled, messy hair stricken with his sweat.

His both hands were freezed in a fist, unwilling to release it---as if those fists contained a treasure within. His jaw was set and muscles were tensed around his shoulder and arms.

Suddenly, all of his anger was reducing into small miserable sobs, uncontrollable wails which makes his whole body to shake.

It broke her heart, he was the man she had feelings for after all. She felt desperate to help him, approach him, hug him to consolation. But the fear of the violent rage she just witnessed made her to hesitate.

His cries pierced her heart into realisation that she was just a mere attraction to jungkook, just a one nightstand that was supposed to be. He was absentmindedly confused with his true feelings and indeed driven by lust.

She wasn't the one to be blamed for his state, to all of this, she knows. But a part of her heart was still cornered with guilt. She played a mere role in creating all of this mess, after all.

If she looked into it in the right way, acknowledged that growing feelings for a married man was undoubtedly wrong. Then, right now, she wouldn't have felt her heart heavy with sorrow.

"I love you...please"

Her eyes blinked back the blur, focusing her mind back to the reality and seeing jungkook now laying on the cold floor, left cheek pressed down to the ground, tired eyes staring at his palm which held a ring on top of it. His husband's ring.

Lisa gulped a thick lump in her throat when jungkook's eyes slowly drifted towards her, just weakly.

"Please...i love him, i love him..." He was panting abnormally, sweeping a slight frown to lisa's face. She slowly decided to step forward, the concern for him was making her numb legs to move.

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