Sixty three : Comfort

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"This last one sweetie, come on" A sweet voice pleads gently which the pouting boy couldn't say no to.

Unwillingly, jungmin opens his mouth and a spoon full of soup was immediately shoved in, followed by a giggle of the charming lady.

"You're good with kids, just get pregnant already" Jin lets out casually which made Ami still for a moment.

Taehyung chuckles, "get used to such things, Ami. He's just like that"

"Why am I not getting the vibe of your compliment?" Jin raises his brow at taehyung.

"Because it wasn't" Ami giggles along with taehyung. Both readily teasing jin who sighs out dramatically.

Taehyung's giggle slowly lowers down as he gazes towards the door expectantly, eyes instantly flickering in hope when it was suddenly opened.

His face drops to see jimin and not a certain person who he was expecting to show up since the time he woke up.

The little one had to shed tears at the very beginning of the morning as removing the iv needle was awfully painful to the smol boy, not to mention the injection he had to take.

He remained in mama's arms for hours until he forgot about the pain and each time glaring adorably at the nurses who enter the room to give his bitter medicines. The little boy didn't allow the white-dressed angels to come near him even a little closer.

Taehyung was glad to see his son grinning all wide at his uncles who treat him like a royal prince—showering all their love and fulfilling every wish he asks for.

It was already noon and till now taehyung didn't get to see nor got to hear anything about jungkook. This was making his mind completely distraught.

"Jungoo~" Nivi leaves his eomma's hold and runs towards jungmin who's sitting on the bed with a wide grin.

Jin and ami giggles at the cute girl who's looking at jungmin curiously. "Noona was scared for you, jungoo"

Jungmin smiles sheepishly, "i'm sorry to scare you, noona"

A chuckle was heard from jimin who stands near the door, hearing the kid's adorable conversation.Taehyung forces a small smile amidst the feeling of nervousness.

Jimin joins the two sitting on the settee while eyeing taehyung who's now walking towards jungmin to wipe his mouth clean as he had the soup just now.

Taehyung chuckles and picks up nivi, making her sit on the bed comfortably with jungmin rather than standing.

His eyes instinctively gaze at the door, again expecting jungkook to appear.

Sighing, he hears the chatters of his friends which makes him pout and unwillingly join them.

"Ah, y'all always make me want to be pregnant too" Jin puckers his lips, caressing jimin's tummy.

A fit of laughter echoes from jimin and ami as they find jin's mirthful desire quite funny. Three of them suddenly get into an awkward silence upon realising taehyung's unusual quietness.

"Jinie uncle, you said you'll give me ice cream" Jungmin's sulking voice was heard with jin letting out a playful 'oops'.

"I told your joon uncle to buy your ice creams. Don't know where he is" Jin teasingly says, jungmin pouting along with his noona.

Taehyung bites his lips, contemplating whether to ask it out or not.

"It's alright. He might be with...uh... jungkook" His nervous stuttering making the three of them snap their head at him, looking at him with an unreadable expression.

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