Forty seven : Numb

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"Twenthy one"

"Twenthy two~"

"Twenthy fwour"

"You ate up your twenty three?" A grunt leaves from his bunny uncle, interrupting his counting.

"Oppsie..." Jungmin giggles loud and corrects himself, "Twenthy three"

"Its twenty four now." Jungkook inhales as he lower his elbows, bringing his chest towards the ground again.

Jungmin laughs at himself, enjoying the small ups and downs ride he's getting from his bunny uncle upon sitting on his back while the older does his workout push ups.

"Come on count" Jungkook demands.

"Twenthy five?" Jungmin asks, unsure upon losing the count.

"Yep" Jungkook groans as he bends down, face tightened and body glistening in sweat as he was wearing a tank top which compliments his massive chest and shoulders.

"Thirty!" Jungmin sing songs the last count and jungkook quickly turns around, flipping the boy and making him sit on his stomach while laying on his back on the floor to look at his adorable smiling face.

"You had real fun, huh?" Jungkook chuckles and pokes on the boy's stomach, getting the endearing laughs out of him.

"Here... Grab on your drinks"

Their laughing session was interrupted by taehyung's announcement who's grinning at them while holding the tray of juice glasses.

Sitting up and then picking the boy in his arms, jungkook walks towards taehyung to grab on his much needed drink.

Taehyung laughs at how adorably jungmin is holding the glass with his two hands gripped tightly on it.

While the two sip up their drinks, taehyung's eyes intently gaze over jungkook's chiseled chest, the muscled hard biceps... Uff he's too hot!

His stare was abruptly broke off by jungkook's loud throat clearing. He looks up at him, only to regret it instantly as the older had a conceited smirk on his lips upon getting him caught.

Taehyung looks away with blushed up cheeks and grabs the empty glass from jungmin who's quite energetic today--laughing and cheering in every small things because his bunny uncle promised to spent a full day with him.

"Little one, come" Jungkook held his hand out for the boy who's sitting on the couch. Jungmin instantly takes it with a short laugh while taehyung pouts.

"Jungmin, go keep these at the kitchen" Taehyung says in sudden, giving the two empty glasses to the boy who whines but obeys his mama anyway.

Jungkook presses his lips to not let out a chuckle as he already got a glimpse of taehyung pouting and he knows the reason very well.

"What is it? Are you mad at me or something?" Taehyung sulks once jungmin runs to the kitchen.

"What? Why would i be?" Jungkook chuckles dryly while casually grabbing on to the towel.

"Then why are you ignoring me?" Taehyung asks in pout.

"Ignore? I didn't...I'm talking to you since the time i woke up, tae." Jungkook reasons, swiping the towel on his biceps to dry off the sweat.

Taehyung gulps and forces himself to not pay attention at his bulky muscles.
"Yeah but--"

"But?" Jungkook raises a brow teasingly.

"You didn't ask for any morning kiss?" Taehyung utters, trying to make his face void of any emotions.

Jungkook presses his lips tightly, controlling so hard to not laugh. "Oh...well i'm not going anywhere so why would i need that"

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