Thirty three : Content

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Word count : 4k

Just the silence which gets a bit interrupted by the sounds of foot tapping. The therapist glances at his patient and softly smiles.

"On a scale of ten, how content are you with your life now?" He asks, dropping his pen and gazing at his patient.

It was just the regular questionnaire jungkook receives everytime from his therapist, Dr. Chang Ryul at the end of the session.

"Six" He hesitantly replies.

It was evening and jungkook asked yoongi to drop him to his therapy clinic after his second-day of work.

"That's a progress. Last time it was three" Mr. Chang notes it down on his notepad.

"What makes you happy these days?"

Jungkook thinks and his lips curl into a smile as he answers, "Jungmin and Taehyung."

Dr. Chang chuckles, "I expected that."

The therapist sits properly, placing his hands over his chin, focusing completely on jungkook as he asks, "Are you anyhow bothered about anything? Like stressing over your family?"

"No, like you said i should not overthink unnecessarily so i stopped that."

"I told you this from the start, guess it got into your head only now" Chang laughs.

Jungkook looks down, "I don't feel like searching for a family anymore, i'm just happy with my present. Just want to stay in this moment."

The therapist looks at him in understanding and then queries, "Something new happening in your life?"

Jungkook faintly nods in response.

"Is it in a good way or bad?"


The therapist nods, "Hm... I'm listening."

Chang notices his every moment, how his pupils are dilating and fingers are fidgeting.

"I uh... I think i'm....i'm--" Jungkook stammering was interrupted by the doctor.

"You know you shouldn't feel any nervousness to share. I won't judge you."

"Yeah, i know" Jungkook nods.

Chang's words were so approving and it always was which makes him to share everything without hesitation or embarrassment.

"So's about Taehyung" Jungkook stutters and the therapist hums to continue, not surprised.

"I'm... I'm having feelings for him."

"Feeling as such... Love?" The doctor asks.

Jungkook mumbles, "I think so"

Chang smiles, genuinely happy for him, "That's great, now how is it a bad thing?"

"He.... He's married."

Chang frowns, "Oh... But i thought you said--"

"Yes, his husband is not with him but he's waiting for him, i guess." Jungkook's voice was doleful.

"You're planning to confess?"

Jungkook shakes his head, "No"


"I don't wanna ruin our friendship." Jungkook mumbles in his dejected voice.

"I think he's mature enough to not do so if you confess, but still if you're that concerned then let it be." Chang advices.

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