Six : Careless

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Taehyung's eyes slowly opens at the soft shakes he receives on his shoulder. His blurred vision sights mano's slightly worried face.

"Mr. Kim?" Her voice was hesitant, noticing the puffiness of his eyes.

Taehyung sits up, rubbing his eyes while realising he fell asleep last night which he didn't mean to. He looked around, assuming jungkook is back home.

He gazes into mano's eyes, "Jungkook?"

"He isn't home yet taehyung-sii" Mano informs in a sympathetic voice.

Taehyung's heart pangs, looking down to hide the pooling up tears in his eyes. Mano saddens for him, she sits beside him and hesitantly places her hand on his shoulder.

"Is everything alright, taehyung?" Mano's voice was heavy with glum, "i know i shouldn't ask...but is everything okay between you and Mr. Jeon?"

Taehyung knows if mano is using his name, then she is actually worried about him. In her eyes, they were always the admirable couple. She never saw a gloomy shadow upon them as now. No one, even he himself didn't saw it coming.

Taehyung shakes his head, somewhere glad to share his misery with someone. "We had a small argument but...but he said he isn't upset with me"

Taehyung sniffs back his tears, "i made his favorite cake, but he didn't eat and... didn't come home"

Mano purses her lips, not knowing how to make a conclusion to his broken words.

Taehyung hopefully asks, "Do you think he's u-upset with me?"

Mano couldn't look into his teary eyes, "uh...maybe Mr. Jeon is busy. He has a company to deal with afterall."

Her words weren't convincingly providing comfort to taehyung and she knew it.

"It's okay taehyung. At some point of your married life, things seem a bit hard. These a only makes the relationship stronger." She says carefully.

"I heard the new deal was much important for Mr. Jeon and maybe he's occupied with something related to that. He might be taking a little space for working better you know"

Taehyung furrows his brow, "space?"

Mano nods her head, "Yeah, couples take the needful space between them. It makes them both have a better mindset to take care of their relationship. Basically a trick to balance their life properly."

Taehyung looks down, pondering at her  words that somewhere makes sense but he isn't sure if it applies to their current situation.

"Mr. Jeon might be doing the same. Working with no distractions in his way" Mano chuckles a little while saying, "And trust me taehyung, you're his beautiful distraction that he cannot resist"

Taehyung couldn't suppress a blush that bloomed on his face. His heart relieved to believe her words.

He knows jungkook would never purposefully make him sad, he knows because that's how jungkook is. So it was convincing to have faith in her words.

It is normal for couples to have some needful space. He understood just that. His mind recalled the words jungkook said before.

"I was right, you always want me to do things according to your demands. You want to go gentle, then go gentle. You want to stop, then stop...."

Taehyung bite his lower lips. Those still pains his heart as fresh as it was before. Like left a wound which didn't heal yet.

Maybe somewhere he thinks i'm compelling my decisions on him. Maybe...i should just try giving him some space which i think i never gave.

Taehyung felt his own thoughts aching to his heart. He doesn't know a world without his love and will do anything to make his kookie comfortable and happy---even if it takes to stay away from him for some time.

Everything is going to be alright.

"Thank you mano. I understand what you mean." Taehyung smiles, he's so grateful for her presence.

"There's nothing to thank about taehyung" Mano pats his shoulder and raised from the chair, "i'll make breakfast for you"

Taehyung nods and thanks her again. As he watches her leave, he breaths out calmly. He's glad he didn't have to worry jimin or jin about his trivial problems, he thought about approaching one of them but there's no need of it now.

He just have to be patient, though it is hard to not feel jungkook's presence but if it relieves jungkook's work stress then it's okay. He'll be just happy with few random calls to his husband that he'll make after a moment.

In the meantime, he'll work on his pending paintings. It will keep him distracted.

Everything will be alright. He said to himself many times now.

⋆ ˚。⋆.______________.⋆ ˚。⋆

She lets out soft hums, stirring awake slowly. Her eyes opens to see the man laying beside her warmly, his arms wrapped around her naked body and face pressed onto the soft locks of her hair.

Lisa chuckles and slides the few strands of his hair, watching him sighing softly in his sleep.

"Jungkook--" She presses her lips, suppressing a smile. His name sounding delightful to mumble.

She giggles, remembering how jungkook demanded her to call his name while they were having sex last night.

The white sheets were cuddling comfortably with their body, the hotel room seemingly elegant to spend a memorable time.

She notices their discarded clothes and the used condom scattered on the floor, the streaks of daylight impaling through the window curtains and her phone kept on the nightstand.

She tries to move but the man's grip was firm on her body, making her call him again.

"Hm" Jungkook hums sleepily, too tired to open his eyes.

"Jungkook, wake up" Lisa hisses, finally feeling his arms loosening.

Jungkook groans as he turns, "what is it?"

His voice was heavily deep, lisa drew a breath. "Don't you want to take shower?"

Jungkook reluctantly opens his eyes, fixating his gaze on her glowing face. He could see her clutching the sheets close to her chest.

He sits up, swiftly pulling her to his lap while disregarding her protest to cover her nakedness. Lisa smiles as she straddles on his thigh, feeling weird at the sticky contact of their skin.

"First, i need a coffee" He says, pressing his mouth on her bare shoulder. "Then, i need you to take shower with me"

Lisa bites her bottom lip, "Mhm~"

Jungkook slides off her hair, his other hand teasingly brushing over the middle of her breast. Lisa shivers under his touch, leaning and kissing on his lips.

Jungkook's mind was completely blank as he kissed her back with no thoughts about his married life--about his husband. He only felt the freshness and pleasure of finding a new life.

He only focused on enjoying the sexual pleasure he was craving for.

⋆ ˚。⋆.______________.⋆ ˚。⋆

I need to make it clear that they had sex, there's no lie in it. I deleted the smut part and added something new, so that shouldn't raise any doubts. Okay?

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