Thirty seven : Restless

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Taehyung stirred in his sleep, eyes slowly blinking to adjust to the light. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and stretching a bit to get rid of the sleepiness.

A chuckle leave his mouth as he gazes at his son, sleeping adorably. Placing a soft kiss on his bread cheeks, taehyung gets up with checking the time on the clock.

It was seven, the usual time he wakes up. After doing his morning routine, he makes his way to the kitchen and frowns when he hears some rattling of plates and footsteps.

He hurries a bit and his eyes slightly widens seeing jungkook. He's washing his plates after having the breakfast which he guesses was sandwich and milk. His face was literally hiden in the hood of his grey sweatshirt.


Jungkook flinches at his voice, he doesn't look up at taehyung, just lowly hums in response.

Taehyung furrows his brow at his strange behavior, confusion stirring in his mind.

"You're up early...i'll make something for you--"

"No i h-had my breakfast." Jungkook says.

Taehyung's heart fills with worry hearing his hoarse voice, which apparently happened due to excessive crying.

"Did you catch cold kookie?" Taehyung says as he steps closer, his hand held out to touch jungkook's forehead, to check his temperature.

Jungkook quickly turned to his side, moving away from his touch which made taehyung to frown. His hand still hung in air as he stares at jungkook's back.

"i'm fine" Jungkook whispers, pulling his hood more down.

"Is everything alright?" Taehyung stutters in worry, gently resting his hand on jungkook's shoulder who shudders at his touch.

Jungkook's eyes shut close and a tear squeezed out, rolling down to his warm cheeks.

"You're making me worry kookie, tell me what's--"

"I'm fine tae and i'm... i'm leaving now." Jungkook says before quickly wiping his tears away and stepping forward, away from taehyung's touch. He never knew how to hide it.

"Leave? You're going somewhere?" Taehyung follows him.

"Yes, to office" Jungkook simply replies and hastily walks out of the kitchen, hearing taehyung following behind him. "But... It's too early and hyung didn't come yet--"

"I'm going by my own" Jungkook marches all the way through the hall.

"What?but why?" Taehyung nearly shrieks.

Jungkook tries to breathe calmly but taehyung's constant queries were making him to pant in fear.

Fear that he would break down in front of him. Taehyung's presence, his voice, his constant worry, everything was just adding more pain to his already broken heart.

He knew this would happen, that's why he wanted to exit the house before facing taehyung. But it apparently didn't go well.

"Because i want to." Jungkook shouts and taehyung stops in his way for a moment, trying to comprehend his raised voice.

His eyes watches jungkook opening the door which makes him run after him and harshly turn him around by his shoulders.

Unexpected by the sudden action, jungkook stumbles, hitting his back to the door and eyes now gazing at taehyung who's gasping upon seeing his face.

The red rimmed eyes were moistened, nose and cheeks were tinted aching red, hair dishevelled and pain written all over the tiredness in his face.

"Jungkook--" His voice broke as he roams his hazel eyes throughout jungkook's face.

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