Thirty one : Insecure

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Word count : 5k+ , Ignore the mistakes :)



"Jungmin, no!"


"Do your homework or else you're not going to play" Taehyung chides in a strict tone.

Jungmin pouted his lips, his bambi eyes sparkling cutely for his mama's approval.

Taehyung sighs, getting defeated at his puppy eyes. "Fine only for half an hour."

"Yesh~" Jungmin squeals as he runs to his room for playing with his toys.

Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head at his stubborn son. He goes to continue his previous work, preparing food.

Soon he hears the doorbell, making him grin widely as he knows it would be jungkook. He's excited to ask him about his first day.

Taehyung hurries and opens the door with a huge grin plastered on his face.


The loud greeting makes him to flinch at it and apparently break into a chuckle seeing the grinning faces of his two hyungs.

"Hyung!" Taehyung quickly hugs Jin who immediately twirls him around, making Namjoon to giggle at the two.

"I'm here too" Namjoon says as he teasingly pouts for taehyung's attention. Taehyung laughs and hugs him, giving him enough attention.

Taehyung gazes at both of them, back and forth, his happiness upon seeing them after such long time is beyond explainable.

"Such a big surprise hyung!" Taehyung squeals, jumping a bit in delight.

"It was my plan" Jin flicks his hair proudly as his planing to surprise taehyung was a huge success.

Then taehyung frowns as he now gets to see a person standing a bit far, covering his face with a lily bouquet.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at the cheesy entrance, "Bogum hyung"

"I told you this won't work on him" Jin shakes his head, gazing at bogum who slams his face to the cover of the bouquet.

He slides the bouquet, revealing his face which had a wide grin for taehyung.

Taehyung eyes moistens a bit, seeing the person who helped him through his hard time after like a year was overwhelming. He would be lying if he says his breath didn't hitch at how attractive bogum looks.

His cardigan was the darkest shade of brown while the white turtle neck t-shirt matched elegantly with his white chinos and sneakers.

Bogum smiles seeing his glossy eyes, taking quick strides and reaching taehyung to embrace him tightly against his chest.

Taehyung giggles and wraps his arms around him, blinking away his tears.

"Can i say i missed you?" Bogum whispers as he inhales the floral scent of taehyung.

"Can i say yes?" Taehyung grins and draws back. He bites his lip when bogum slides a few locks of his hair, watching the fondness whirling in his dark eyes.

He was then seeing bogum getting on his knees, giving off a dramatic act to present the flowers. Taehyung laughs, the pure happiness echoing through him. He holds the bouquet, "Thank you"

There was a huff heard from behind as jin grumbles, "Are we going to just stand here?"

"Yes, yes please get in." Taehyung gestures them to enter. He looks back at bogum who's eyes were having a soft gaze at him.

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